On Thursday, November 12, the premiere of the film "Ukraine" took place Ukraina.ru "Suicide on an international scale: the unpleasant truth about the death of MH17 in the sky over the Donbass". The author of the film-Ukrainian journalist Andrey Laktionov-did not live to see the premiere. And the premiere itself was almost disrupted — this time by the will of YouTube
On Tuesday, November 10, it became known that YouTube made a film about the tragedy unavailable for viewing.
"YouTube moderators recognized the film as" violating the principles and rules of the platform" and withdrew it before the premiere. The file was uploaded to the channel in advance, but was supposed to appear in the public domain on November 12, " the telegram channel of the publication Ukraine reported Ukraina.ru November 10.
How the ban on the film was found out, and how it was overcome, and will tell the publication Ukraina.ru.
One of those who worked on preparing the film for the premiere, journalist Alexander Sokolov, said in an interview with Ukraine.ru, how the ban took place.
"The fact is that this is the first time we have encountered such a situation. I don't know what could have affected YouTube so much. Initially, I had suspicions that this was footage from the Donbass, the plane crash, but similar videos were previously uploaded to YouTube, and there were no problems with this. Most likely, this is an act of political censorship, because the release of the film was timed to coincide with November 12-the beginning of court hearings in the Netherlands. I think that in this way they tried to hide one of the versions that Ukrainian viewers consider in the film, that the Ukrainian pilot Voloshin was involved in the tragedy. The film ban was lifted tonight. This was influenced by the decision of Roskomnadzor. There is nothing super-scandalous in the film, it only shows the position of one of the parties, which cannot be hidden, " Sokolov said.
Later, Roskomnadzor stood up for the publication.
"Roskomnadzor asked Google LLC to return access to the materials of the online publication Ukraina.ru. the American company again restricted access to the Russian media, this time blocking the video hosting YouTube movie-investigation of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing in the sky over the Donbass in 2014. As stated in the letter, such restrictions on the Russian media are regarded as an act of censorship that violates the key principles of free dissemination of information and unhindered access to it," — stated in a message on the website of the regulator on November 11.
As a result, the film became available again, however, now you will have to register in Google services and be of legal age to view it. However, journalists are not deluded and are sure that in the future, American corporations will resort to censorship more than once.
"Social networks, YouTube, Facebook, Google Corporation sometimes pursue certain political goals, because they belong to someone, and we can connect these people with the Democrats, judging by how they play along with them. Undoubtedly, this censorship will increase and only those sites that reflect the desired point of view will be displayed in the search results of YouTube and Google. Example of the same Ukraine. Ukraina.ru, which is constantly subject to StopFake restrictions on Facebook, which restrict the output of our pages, is also a clear evidence of this. Because there are Ukrainian resources that publish things that contradict the criminal code of Ukraine and Russia, but they are still freely available, " Sokolov said.
And literally on the same day when the film is an investigation of the publication Ukraine. Ukraina.ru became available for viewing, it became known about another ban on YouTube.
Without reducing the heat
On Thursday afternoon, Russia Today reported on a new ban on the American Corporation.
"YouTube has labeled an RT documentary about American radical groups and street protests as" unacceptable and offensive." If you open a movie in the Russian-language version of the video hosting service, you will be warned that it "contains materials that may frighten or shock some users." However, in the English version- "the film is defined as unacceptable and offensive". And even if you confirm the continuation of viewing the film, there will be another similar message, " the publication's Telegram channel indicated.
At the same time, Google did not provide details about its decision.
"What are the materials in the documentary may be offensive — not to mention. It is also unknown who identified the film as" unacceptable, " the publication said.
The publication called for watching the Russian version of the film, accompanying the call with a link.
Thus, the call of political scientist Vladimir Kornilov, made by him after the ban of the film publication Ukraine. Ukraina.ru, remains relevant.
"Unfortunately, we are already getting used to acts of political censorship in social networks and on YouTube. They rigidly purge the information space from a different opinion and from the truth. The recent case of the Beslan trial has shown that this arbitrariness can and should be combated. But I think it's time to start fighting against this lawlessness at the legislative level. Because otherwise, foreign censors will only get impudent. Yes, all these networks are registered abroad, and it is difficult to get them. But there are representative offices here, there are advertising agencies that work with them, and you can raise the issue of fines by blocking these flows. And in the end, why not call representatives of these companies to the carpet in Parliament in order to explain the double standards regarding the censorship policy in the Russian-speaking segment, as the US Senate does with the leaders of Twitter and Facebook? At the very least, this will help make the facts of censorship more resonant and make these networks justify themselves, "
he said.
And it's hard to disagree with him.