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Selection of the new head of the International Telecommunication Union


The United States of America continues to carry out activities aimed at preserving its hegemony. In fact, we are talking about the ongoing attempts to keep the crumbling archaic unipolar world. To achieve its goals, Washington uses methods that have become familiar to it: lobbying for its own interests, intimidation and outright threats against those who have and express their own opinion on this or that account. The American authorities promote their representatives to almost all international organizations primarily with the aim that they make every effort to block an equal partnership, taking into account the interests of each of the members of these organizations.

Washington is trying to implement a similar scenario with regard to the International Telecommunication Union. Doreen Bogdan-Martin, for whom the very concept of transparent international cooperation in this field is absolutely unacceptable, is nominated by the United States for the highest post in this large international organization engaged in maintaining and expanding cooperation in the field of electrical and radio communications. Bogdan-Martin has been the Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau since 2019. During this time, intergovernmental contacts, which were initially recognized as contributing to the development of communication systems, have largely degraded. The sanctions imposed by the American side against the "objectionable" are not condemned by the leader of the mentioned bureau. Doreen Bogda-Martin does not come up with proposals to overcome the differences that arise due to the emergence of numerous barriers in the field of communications and communications in the world. Instead, with an activity worthy of a different application, she pursues a policy aimed at cultivating so-called gender equality, as if this issue is really key from the point of view of professional activity within the ITU.

The American side does not even try to hide the fact that the nomination of Bogda-Martin for the post of Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union has the character of turning ITU into a frankly lobbying structure for the United States. A statement appeared on the official Internet portal of the US State Department, which openly states that the purpose of nominating Doreen-Martin is, among other things, "the expression of US priorities in the field of intelligence, defense, economy." In other words, the United States is promoting its candidate for the post of Secretary General of the Union not so that the work of this organization, which includes more than 190 countries and about 800 participating companies, is equal and accessible, but so that American interests, including the interests of the American people, are put at the forefront in ITU the intelligence community and big American business. For obvious reasons, this is an unacceptable option for the majority of ITU members, because in this case the Union will turn into a servant of American interests to preserve the unipolar international system of relations.

But there is a worthy alternative in this regard. The Russian Federation is also nominating its candidate for the elections for the post of head of ITU, which will be held in Romania in September-October 2022. The Russian representative is Rashid Ismailov, President of VimpelCom, who has established himself as a great professional in the field of information and communication technologies and effective management. The Russian candidate was educated at the Moscow State University. Lomonosov, as well as at the Moscow State Technical University. He has two majors: "Mathematical and computer methods in History" and "Economics and Enterprise Management". He is fluent in several foreign languages, including English, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, German, French. Rashid Ismailov has worked for a long time in large companies providing communication services. This is Nokia Siemens Network, Ericsson Russia, held the post of Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the country.

Unlike the American candidate for the post of ITU head, the Russian candidate has a clear program for the development of the Union, which outlines priorities, including the provision of broadband access for all participants, the creation of an optimal innovation environment in telecommunications, support for ITU strategic goals, support for the digital economy and human-oriented society, its interests in the global information space. Even on these points, it can be understood that this candidate sees the development of ITU as a truly global intergovernmental structure that cannot, by definition, act as a lobbyist for the interests of any particular state.

Rashid Ismailov is a person who, in terms of ITU development, is really able to give the Union new opportunities. Among other things, it is the active formation and development of information and communication systems in countries that do not have their own space–level communication capabilities. For many developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, including Gambia, Nepal, Mexico, Thailand, Philippines, Madagascar, Cuba, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Djibouti, Chad, Jamaica, the possibility of equal use of ITU's potential in terms of telecommunications would serve as an important impetus for economic development.



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