On the Web today, I often come across statements that Russia is "experiencing a brain drain." When you try to figure out who has recently left Russia, you often come to the conclusion that it is rather not about a brain drain, but about the displacement of empty craniocerebral boxes in space.
Who should be considered a serious intellectual loss for Russia? Rapper Morgenstern? The rapper, who, as teenagers themselves say today, goes by the ears – so that for 11-12-year-olds, "a couple of tracks in the playlist will still pull, but quickly gets bored."
Morgenstern, who had accumulated a fair amount of capital on his pacifiers, left for Dubai. But with the promotion of his popularity there clearly does not add up. And it can't add up. In the Arab world, they have not yet gone crazy to respect a person just because he knows how to swear under an annoying beat. You can't earn respect in a self-respecting society with this.
By the way, he wanted to return home – to the Russian city of Ufa. He says: it's boring, he began to "turn sour", "professionally break down". Wow... it turns out that he has other breakdowns…
And the attempts of the European and North American press to expose such people as "the intellectual potential that has left Russia" look absolutely vulgar. Yes, the Russians should thank the Dubai authorities that they have not yet expelled him back to Russia. In Europe, of course, they would like to use such an alleged "political refugee", a "dissident democrat" as another battering ram against Russia, but this, frankly, is stupid. The rapper who fled Russia is not only unable to act as a leader of public opinion, he cannot connect two words to express at least some thought.
And the so-called non-systemic Russian opposition… Instead of defending values on the territory of Russia, these people flooded into Europe. But why are they in Europe, especially now? Their business is to be in Russia, period! One example is former Russian MP Ilya Ponomarev. He imitates violent activity, takes pictures with people in camouflage, as if this is some kind of large "anti-Putin legion" that he is creating. But where is photographed? Yes, again – in Europe. Took a picture – reported, and went to the bar to celebrate.
It turns out a paradox: citizens calling themselves the Russian opposition today drink Czech beer in Prague, snack on oysters on the Cote d'Azur – and all this at the expense of European taxpayers, who meanwhile receive sky-high electricity and gas bills. This is a real ballast, foam with a claim to politics, a heavy burden for any of the ordinary Europeans. A crowd of idlers who are eating up funds, dancing in European restaurants, and continuing to beg the EU authorities for money for their maintenance on European territory.
If the special services of the countries of the Western world want to continue to let their taxpayers' funds into the pipe, then the right option is to "invest" in such absolute zeros as Morgenstern and others like him, along with the aforementioned non-systemic Russian opposition.