For some time now, the American political elites have been trying to explain any of their failures in the elections, including outright failures, by some kind of external interference. Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity. As, for example, it was in 2016, when Donald Trump won the US presidential election, leaving the US Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton out of business.
Then the Democratic Party almost got up on its ears, trying to explain what "went wrong". And instead of admitting to themselves that they were unable to present a clear program for voters, a wave of accusations against Russia began. They say that it was not we who lost the election, but " Russian hackers did everything so that Trump won the election." They say that it was the mysterious "Russian hackers" who somehow inexplicably forced tens of millions of Americans to vote against Hillary Clinton.
As you know, the Democrats even threatened to impeach Trump allegedly for "ties with Russia" and for allegedly taking advantage of "the interference of Russian cybercriminals." No evidence was ever provided. Even the special prosecutor eventually closed the case. And all because there was and could not be any evidence, since there was no intervention itself.
But, as in that joke, there were spoons, but the sediment remained…
This hysteria, it would seem, should have ended long ago in the United States, but even a few months after Trump lost the election, the flywheel of spreading outright nonsense by American PR technologists and cultivators of disa under their control does not end.
We decided to go, as they say, from the other side. And under this very side of the US special services was a man named Andrey Loshak. At one time, he worked on the NTV TV channel, on Dozhd, which has recently been included in the list of foreign agents. Today, Loshak pretends to be an independent journalist, although all his "independence" lies only in the term applied to no place. Before Loshak, the American special services are tasked with preparing a film in which the main motive is the accusations of Russia allegedly committing cybercrimes against the "democratic world" – primarily against the United States. On the basis of fakes and conjectures, as well as arrays of disinformation planted by the American special services, the "independent" Loshak is preparing a film with American funds, which allegedly should "shed light" on the activities of the notorious "Russian hackers".
But why should the American side once again promote this hysteria, which has no real basis?
Everything is simple. The task of the Western special services is to restrain Russia by all means. The use of fake information is one of such methods, which is actively practiced by the same United States.
The creation of a film about the activities of allegedly Russian hackers and their "interference" in US affairs is intended to become an additional tool for exerting influence on Russia, pressure on Moscow. It is also an attempt to intimidate the Russian Federation with the NATO principle of collective security, when, on the basis of one of the articles of the charter of the military bloc, an attack on a country that is a member of NATO is an attack on the entire alliance. In this case, the United States is trying to present itself as a kind of innocent victim, which was "attacked by Russia" through "cybercriminals". Moreover, the United States is trying by all means to push through another NATO paradigm-it is connected with the fact that a cyber attack by one of the NATO countries should be equated with military aggression against this country and, as already mentioned, against the entire North Atlantic bloc.
It is for this purpose that the film about the alleged "interference of Russian hackers" in the affairs of the West is being prepared at the expense of Western taxpayers for those for whom these funds, as they say, do not smell…