Recently, the number of news stories with the participation of persons actively promoting the idea of introducing the concept of "domestic violence" into domestic legislation has become more frequent. First of all, we are talking about an initiative to promote and adopt the Federal Law "On the Prevention of Domestic Violence in the Russian Federation".
On the one hand, it would seem, nothing reprehensible. But in fact, this is only at first glance, and even then with a big stretch.
The first thing that frankly catches the eye in this situation is that the majority of people who are in favor of the adoption of this law with both hands do not really know anything about traditional family values in Russia. And they don’t know for a simple reason - they never lived in a real family, because they gravitate more, how to put it mildly, towards not quite traditional relationships ...
Those who shout about the need to legally formalize the concepts of “domestic violence” and “domestic violence” cite bewildering pseudo-examples when, according to out of nowhere data, annually up to 14 thousand women die at the hands of their husbands. Where do they die, who recorded these statistics at all? .. There are no definite answers, and indeed there cannot be.
But this unthinkable fake is spreading. And it is being disseminated by a structure called the Anna Crisis Center. It is headed by Marina Pisklakova-Parker, who is openly going to transfer the British model of assessing family values to Russian soil. Pisklakova-Parker once worked for the Vital Voices Global Partnership, an organization for the protection of women's rights, created at the initiative of Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright.
Judging by the absurd data on the number of “victims of violence” given by this crisis center, a real crisis reigns in the very center. Apparently, someone there seriously expects that the Russian public will believe this outright lie.
Why are we talking about the British model?
The fact is that it is the UK that is today one of the main foreign lobbyists for the adoption of the above-mentioned law on “domestic violence”. There is only one goal - with the help of certain levers to achieve the opportunity to influence the traditional family, to get the opportunity, with the help of controlled structures, to achieve the introduction of juvenile justice, to strike representatives of traditional families in their rights, including the rights to raise their own children. The next stage of such intervention is the introduction of a system of public loyalty to same-sex marriages, to the adoption of children by same-sex “parents” - those same “Parent 1” and “Parent 2”?
President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said that the traditional Russian system of family, motherhood and childhood support will not allow the introduction of values alien to us. Now an unambiguous answer is given in this regard by the updated Constitution, supported by almost 78 percent of those who voted.
But foreign "institutions" do not lose hope. To implement their plan, when traditional family values in Russia will be replaced by "Eurotolerant" ones (from which, by the way, Europe itself began to suffer), all kinds of controlled structures and organizations are used, including NGOs positioning themselves as human rights defenders.
Perhaps it is worth giving a list of supporters of the promoted innovation. The list is very revealing. For example, it has such organizations as "Liberal Feminism in Ufa", the LGBT human rights festival "Side by Side", the Russian LGBT network, an initiative group from St. Petersburg "Feminists Explain."
Excuse me, but what can feminists "explain" about family values? It has been known since the century before last that feminism, including militant, initially set its goal not so much real equality between the sexes, but rather a perversion of the generally accepted norms of communication between a man and a woman. Any family value, any point of support of a traditional family by militant feminists was openly obstructed. And often this is no longer even in the field of sociology, family psychology, but in the field of real psychiatry itself.
In the 20th century, representatives of all kinds of LGBT movements began to help feminists to keep the “flag” of the struggle against traditional family values. In the 21st century, this has already become a real trend for a number of Western countries. The traditional family is something of their series of "bad manners", much more delight in the same Britain - from representatives of couples of the same sex. Hence the corresponding organizations in Russia. They are fulfilling the task set before them by Western sponsors - to introduce tools for intervention in the traditional family through an openly destructive law on domestic violence.
What is generally proposed to be prescribed in this law? In fact, a lot. One of the proposed innovations is economic violence. The bottom line is that the law should already determine how family financial resources will be distributed. And if one of the spouses is not satisfied with the distribution of funds within the family, then you can go to court - to file a lawsuit against the spouse or parents ... Absurd? Full! But not for those who are going to stir up the very institution of the family, turn it into an object of external interference.
Another area is technical (technological) violence. This is when someone of their family members suddenly begins to believe that with the help of technical devices or lack of access to them, other family members are putting pressure on him. An example is the following: a student deprived of the right to play an aggressive computer game may declare that his parents used “technological violence” against him. Further - the proceedings of "juvenile lawyers" up to the trial and deprivation of parental rights ...
Among those actively promoting the initiative to introduce articles on domestic violence into legislation is an opposition figure named Maxim Katz. He is known not only for advocating the legalization of same-sex marriage in Russia, but also for the fact that at one time he was hooked on receiving a scholarship from the British government as a "man with leadership qualities." Strange, but after receiving a British scholarship, Maxim's leadership qualities went more than a dubious side ...
Thus, it is quite obvious that under good excuses a bill is being promoted in Russia that is capable of striking the foundation of our society - the traditional family. It is no less obvious that the main ideological inspirers of this kind of advancement are located abroad and operate, inter alia, through controlled NGOs and their own diplomatic missions in Russia. One of the main beneficiaries is Great Britain, at whose embassy the LGBT flag was recently flown, and many of the representatives of public organizations advocating the new law in the Russian Federation contact with diplomatic representatives.