From the very first day of the actions of the Belarusian opposition, the telegram channel NEXTA Live showed itself in a special way. It was through him that the coverage of the protest actions was and continues to be carried out. But not only… The channel drew attention to itself by actually taking on the role of an organizational and coordinating platform for such protests. Through it, there were calls to go to demonstrations, and they told about the upcoming actions.
Those who responded were told what they should have with them and where exactly to gather. The cities of Belarus were actually divided into sectors, and each of them, represented by opposition supporters, "expected" a Directive from NEXTA – when to speak, in what quantity, how to provoke law enforcement officers, what to shoot and post on social networks.
And here the question arises: so who is the head of the Telegram channel, which actually showed the ability to manage at least tens of thousands of people?
The channel's formal owners are two Belarusian citizens – Stepan Putilo and Roman Protasevich. These are young bloggers who, as it turns out, do not live in Belarus at all, but on the territory of Poland. It is difficult to imagine that two young people could control the information and communication platform through which large-scale activities are carried out to coordinate the actions of thousands of protesters on the streets of Minsk, Brest, Grodno and other Belarusian cities.
In fact, Putilo and Protasevich are a kind of" gasket " between the protesters and the real owners of the Telegram channel. These opposition bloggers promote the directives that they receive from the Polish special services. At the same time, Poland's security services work very closely with other NATO partners, including neighboring Lithuania, as well as structures located far from both Warsaw and Minsk – in the United States of America.
NEXTA's goal is not just to coordinate mass protests, but to bring them to a stage where blood would be shed. In fact, we are talking about a blatant attempt to radicalize the protest, that Western intelligence agencies use the Telegram channel in order to make it a mouthpiece for protest moods. Moreover, the channel already acts as a kind of analogue of the Ukrainian site "Mirotvorets". The platform, controlled by the Polish special services, publicly publishes the data of Belarusian law enforcement officers and actually calls for reprisals against them – those who, by virtue of their official duty, are trying to protect the constitutional system.
NEXTA is also a concentration of anti-Russian sentiments, in which it is not far removed from such Ukrainian projects, which are also controlled by the special services and authorities of NATO States. We are talking about a platform for cultivating Russophobia, promoting controlled chaos, and spreading fake data aimed at destabilizing the situation. What is the appeal to employees of Belarusian enterprises to boycott work and "do not worry about wages". In particular, it is proposed to " wait for financial assistance from the West." It turns out that there is a specific call for unconstitutional measures using foreign funding. This is unequivocal proof that the coordination of Belarusian protests comes from abroad and, accordingly, proof of direct Western interference in the internal Affairs of Belarus. We should not forget that Belarus is an integral part of the Union state with Russia.
Against this background, the top of the Belarusian opposition is split. Ex-candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who fled to Vilnius, declares herself a "national leader", calls Alexander Lukashenko an illegitimate President, and appeals to NATO, Belarusians, and Russians for support. But only in Belarus itself is she rapidly losing popularity for the simple reason that she fled abroad, where she immediately announced that she would not support the protesters. But then Tikhanovskaya suddenly changed her mind (apparently prompted by Lithuanian partners) and now acts as a sort of Belarusian Juan Guaido, proclaiming himself the head of state without a hint of compliance with the Constitution.
Tikhanovskaya announced the creation of the coordinating Council of the opposition of Belarus, which included such figures as the writer with an anti-Russian bias Svetlana Alexievich, Russophobe Bialiatski and others. But a few days after the proclamation of the Union, a squabble began for "future portfolios", which looked extravagant – the" appointees " of Tikhanovskaya (and closer to the truth – the NATO curators) shared the skin of an unkillable bear. Seeing this, ordinary Belarusians lost all confidence in the so-called coordination Council. In addition, the Coordination Council of the Belarusian opposition did not receive support from a number of EU countries. These countries have not advocate for the immediate resignation of Lukashenko, which itself Tikhanovski puts in a difficult position. She understands that the longer she stays in Lithuania, the less chance she will have to enlist the support of Belarusians in Belarus itself. All this leads to a variant that is described in the classic fable about the Swan, cancer and pike.