Political actionism is a phenomenon that is actively used by interested parties as a propaganda tool. No matter how much the actionists themselves say that they express "their inner world", "their point of view on the political context", "independence of position" with their performances, there are quite understandable chains that allow us to conclude where the legs grow from. Actionists do not go to the homes of businessmen and officials who have stolen, in order to force those to answer to the law with their shares. They do not hold performances in support of sick children who have recently been overloaded with the work of doctors. No... they (or their customers) are not interested in all this. Hype on politics is important.
If there is an action, then on Red Square or in the temple. If it's a performance, then pseudo-self-immolation against the background of law enforcement buildings. Nailing genitals in full view of women and children to the paving stones. Naked sabbaths with a political background "we are for all good against all bad."
In recent years, a whole freak ideology has managed to grow. According to her, they are not even freaks at all, but philosophers, artists. That's how they see it… And this ideology suddenly began to be supported by individual pundits. There is a version that among such representatives of the top of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Strange as it may sound, but really those who feed on Western grants, representatives of the state institute declare representatives of the world of artists and progressive philosophers who "express the pain of society."
It is no less strange that among the representatives of the journalistic community there are people who are ready to serve this ideology. Among these was the well-known journalist Alexey Pivovarov, who published on his channel the film "Actionists", imbued with pathos about puppet freaks who think, move, do things in a way that is beneficial to those who finance them - directly or through a network of liberal NGOs.
In fact, Alexey Pivovarov is trying to manipulate public opinion. When people with openly destructive and alien intentions to society are suddenly exposed as offended by the authorities, and offended completely undeservedly. They say they are all completely independent, they do not receive anything from anyone, but they are only engaged in "trying to make this world a better place" with their shares.
The Head of the federal project on security and anti-corruption of the Russian Federation, Vitaly Borodin, spoke about this. According to Borodin, Alexey Pivovarov apparently decided to "erase his tongue" in an attempt to wash away all those obsessed and other "sufferers for the truth" who, posing as independent philosophers and artists and who enjoy some support from individual representatives of the top of the IF RAS, sow and propagandize outright destructive. Vitaly Borodin notes that Pivovarov turns freaks almost into national heroes who need to be worshipped. But in fact, it turns out that Pivovarov could take up the material again, which would simply bring profit without delving into the essence of the problem. After all, Pivovarov has already had such blunders, and he himself had to admit miscalculations.