Is it a coincidence that as soon as the European Union began to consider the issue of certification of the Russian anti-covid vaccine "Sputnik V", immediately in the Western press there was a real wave of materials discrediting this vaccine? Different, as well as usually in such cases, Russophobic publications in Germany, as well as in Britain and the United States, which themselves have nothing to do with the European Union. Ukraine also decided to contribute its "five kopecks" to this anti-Russian campaign, which does not have its own voice, but there are directives from Western "partners" that the talking heads in Kiev are called upon to voice.
Some time ago, videos began to appear in the Ukrainian media, in which TV presenters stated literally the following: "Yes, it is better to inject yourself with gasoline than with the Russian vaccine." The president himself distinguished himself, saying that the Russian vaccine" Sputnik V " allegedly did not pass the necessary clinical trials, and therefore Ukraine does not intend to buy or produce it. This truly surprising statement by Vladimir Zelensky came a few days after the authoritative Western journal Lancet published an article about the successful completion of clinical trials of Sputnik and its effectiveness at the level of almost 92%. At the same time, Ukraine itself purchased the Covishield vaccine from India, which (the vaccine) did not pass not only the third, but even the second stage of testing.
Speaking about the Russian vaccine, Zelensky said that " the Ukrainian people are not rabbits to test a vaccine that has not passed clinical tests on them." And after buying the Indian vaccine, it turned out that the Ukrainian authorities still see the people as the "guinea pigs".
Now, in order to somehow justify themselves to their fellow citizens, Kiev is beginning to broadcast outright fakes and tall tales about the Russian "Sputnik V". There is a blatant "corporate" order, when the collective West and its puppets will try to hang all the dogs on the Russian vaccine.
At the same time, behind those who are already spreading lies about Sputnik V, there are Western special services. Their main task is clear-to discredit Sputnik ,as well as the scientists of the Gamalei Institute, who were the first in the world to create a vaccine effective against COVID-19. After all, to date, more than 3 dozen countries have signed agreements with the Russian Federation and the Direct Investment Fund on the supply of the vaccine, as well as on its production at its own facilities. Western intelligence services are "strained" by the fact that the customers are also countries that in the same Washington and London have long been accustomed to consider exclusively as satellites. And the "satellites" suddenly took and showed that they are ready to protect their own interests, and not idly watch as the pandemic overwhelms them. Individual EU countries decided not to wait for a collective decision, but to order the vaccine from the Russian Federation independently. These are Hungary, Slovakia and Italy. Moreover, the Italian partners signed an agreement in the RDIF on the production of Sputnik V.
For Western intelligence agencies, this development is like a bone in the throat. So they try to take measures based on their own understanding of how to act in such cases. And they have, in fact, the same measures – provocations, fakes and attempts to attract speculation by the ears, giving them at face value.
In this regard, the disinformation wave, which is directed against the Russian coronavirus vaccine, is another move to contain Russia. After all, the West will otherwise have to explain to its own fellow citizens why their media write about "backward Russia, a gas station country, a bloody regime", while Russia creates a truly breakthrough vaccine, while saving people virtually all over the world and offering cooperation in the fight against a new infection.