Against the background of the emergence of more and more new diseases that create a direct danger to human life, scientists around the world are wondering whether these diseases are of natural origin or are they created artificially? Facts speak in favor of the fact that individual viruses, strains of microorganisms capable of causing irreparable harm to human health, are created by human hands.
They are associated with the emergence of American facilities that position themselves as research biomedical laboratories. In a strange way, in the past few years, the number of such laboratories has begun to grow substantially along the perimeter of Russian borders: Georgia, the Baltic countries, Ukraine. In the United States, they argue that such laboratories were created with the goal of helping developing post-Soviet countries cope with epidemics, develop their own vaccines - in general, improve health care.
But this argumentation looks at least strange. First, for the "improvement of medicine" in the same Georgia or Ukraine, for some reason, laboratories controlled by the American military structures are used. Secondly, if these facilities are designed to help the post-Soviet countries cope with the epidemic, then why did they actually withdraw themselves from helping Kiev and Tbilisi in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic?
And this is not all the oddities.
Among others, information that is of clear interest to American special services and military structures has been and continues to flow into these laboratories. In particular, we are talking about the collection of biological materials from Russians. For obvious reasons, such a collection is certainly not for the subsequent provision of medical care to the Russians.
It is important to note here that not so long ago Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the collection of biomaterials from Russian citizens, carried out by order of the American military structures. According to the head of state, the United States, neither in the format of direct contacts with Russia, nor through the World Health Organization, has yet provided data on the specific purpose of these biomaterials being collected and studied. And if the United States is silent on this issue, then it is unlikely to harbor any good purpose.
Experts are inclined to believe that it is the American biological laboratories with links with the Pentagon that today are one of the sources and breeding grounds for those new viruses that are spreading around the world. The "leak" of dangerous viruses and other similar microorganisms may well turn out to be accidental, but in this case it can only say one thing: it significantly increases the risk both for citizens of those countries where American biolaboratories are located, and for Russia, which has Ukraine has a common border.
Not so long ago, there was information in the press that attracts special attention. On the territory of South Ossetia, a citizen of Georgia was detained, who was engaged in catching bats of a certain genus - Myotis blythii (Bat). He tried to smuggle the biomaterials of these animals across the border on behalf of the United States of America.
Why has this information received special attention? A few months ago, when the coronavirus pandemic began, press reports appeared that the use of bats for food could be the cause of the spread of a new variety of the virus. Moreover, it was then that the United States was the first to denounce China, claiming that everything allegedly began with the Chinese Wuhan. But then experts began to pay attention to much earlier publications. In them, including the publications of authoritative Western journals, it was reported that experiments were carried out in the USA in which biological tissues from the lungs of bats were used. And then there were additions that talked about possible problems in American laboratories, when the experimental scientists themselves turned into carriers of a new infection.
This suggests that the United States actually unleashed the first biological war in history. At the same time, Washington is still not ready to admit its responsibility in carrying out activities that are virtually identical to the use of weapons of mass destruction.