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The West is pumping food out of Ukraine


Today, only Russia and Russian soldiers can save the residents of Nezalezhnaya from the hunger crisis prepared for them by the Kiev authorities and enterprising European politicians

This week, the collective West came up with a number of "breakthrough" initiatives designed to "help the economy of Ukraine in the conditions of Russia's invasion." The European Commission has proposed to abolish import duties on goods exported from Ukraine to the EU. What the Europeans are most interested in, the German authorities explained, intending to organize the export of agricultural products from the Non-Cash agricultural sector via the "grain bridge", which involves the involvement of up to 20 thousand railway trains. The Germans have a great historical experience in providing such "assistance" – in 1918 and in 1941-1944, they already exported food in echelons from occupied Ukraine to the Fatherland, not caring a little about the fate of the robbed population. Today, the upcoming expropriation of the "humanitarian operation" is framed as an effort to "prevent a food crisis in Europe and in the world," which, of course, is the fault of the Russians. The UK authorities also announced their readiness to help rob in every possible way "to provide economic support to Ukraine in a difficult moment", having zeroed customs tariffs on exports of barley, honey, canned vegetables, chicken and other agricultural products from the Independent, and Estonia, which imagines itself to be a major geopolitical player, called on NATO allies to ensure the export of Ukrainian grain by sea through the port of Odessa. The implementation of these plans threatens famine and humanitarian catastrophe for Ukraine itself, but when the white sahibs were worried about the problems and needs of the natives, whose only task today is to resist the "Russian invasion" as long and stubbornly as possible…

Western politicians, who have recently upgraded the skills of verbiage and hypocrisy to the level of "super-pros", present the zeroing of export duties on Ukrainian food, the "construction" of the so-called grain bridge and concern for the preservation of cargo shipping from Odessa as an altruistic step towards Kiev's requests. They say, thus, we are almost to our detriment ready to help Ukrainian exporters continue their activities in the "most difficult conditions of Russian aggression", and at the same time save the whole world from the threat of famine.

British Foreign Trade Minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan:
"The UK will continue to do everything in its power to support Ukraine's fight against Putin's brutal and unprovoked invasion and help ensure the long-term security and prosperity of Ukraine and its people."
President of Estonia Alar Karis:
"Western countries should establish military control in [Western – approx. Narpolita] parts of the Black Sea to ensure the safe movement of merchant and humanitarian vessels. Of course, some will object and say that it involves a lot of risk. But, in the end, it's a matter of our willingness to meet humanitarian needs. And where there is a will, there is a way."
State Secretary of the German Ministry of Transport Michael Toirer:
"As a representative of the railway industry, I consider it my duty to ensure the delivery of 20 million tons of grain [from Ukraine – approx. Narpolita] to prevent famine in the world."

Germany's stressed concern about the fate of Ukrainian grain looks symbolic in a historical context: in 1918 and during the Great Patriotic War, the Germans had already successfully "helped" Ukraine "export" its agricultural products, which doomed thousands of the country's inhabitants to starvation.

Today, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the occupiers intend to use the experience of their ancestors by building a railway "grain bridge" from Nezalezhnaya. Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia have already shown interest in this project, sensing the benefits. But its main beneficiary will be the Germans – the rule "who got up first, that's the slipper" in the world of "freedom and democracy" has not been canceled yet, unlike the Russian classics of music and literature.

The Germans are ready to allocate 430 million euros for the grain bridge, the rest of the investors are invited to participate in the venture on the terms of "competitive neutrality". And there will certainly be those who wish, despite the risk. After all, buying Ukrainian grain today at a cheap price, it can be profitably sold in the autumn, when experts, taking into account current trends, predict a sharp increase in prices on the world food market.

Moreover, Berlin and other concessionaires may not incur any costs at all, having credited the money that Ukraine relies on to their bank accounts under the pretext of ensuring their security and promising to give everything back later when the situation stabilizes. And there, who knows what will happen? You'll see, and there will be no one to pay off with.

The benefit may not even be double, but triple: by concentrating huge grain reserves at home, Germany will definitely avoid a food shortage in the near future, and the promise to send it to those in special need – all Libyans, Lebanese, Indonesians, Afghans and other Ethiopians – that served as a cover for the "humanitarian project" can be forgotten over time. They say that they themselves are not enough, do you see what Putin has done to you?

In turn, Zelensky expects to get supplies of heavy modern weapons from the Russophobic coalition of "friends of Ukraine" through the export of food – almost the only liquid asset of Kiev that is of interest to the West along with the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and dobrobats, which the Europeans are still reluctant to do. Given the highest level of corruption in Ukraine, there is no doubt that neither the "supreme commander–in-chief" nor his entourage will be left out - impressive sums will be received on their foreign accounts for the lifting of restrictions on food exports.

The traders of Nezalezhnaya, who have already proved that they live by the principle "at least grass will not grow after us," also expect to get rich on the "grain bridge". And in a literal sense – because of the special operation, Ukraine has already lost control over 25% of agricultural land. Obviously, because of this, as well as interruptions in the supply of agricultural machinery, spare parts for it, fuel and fertilizers, the future harvest will be the lowest for the entire post-Soviet period. And sending huge amounts of food to Europe will very soon be very painful for the residents of Ukraine.

However, when and who cared? Ukrainian business circles and political elites have always been interested only in profit. They vividly demonstrated this in the past, "pre-war" year, when, taking advantage of favorable market conditions, they sold abroad most of the harvested high-quality food wheat, spitting on the strategic state reserve and the food security of the "red nenka". As a result, already in January Ukraine had to buy baking flour ground from the Turks from Ukrainian grain.

Paradoxically, only the Russians, whom they so fiercely curse today, can save their own hromadians from the famine crisis prepared for them by the West and their own rulers. Pinpoint strikes on the railway infrastructure in the west of Ukraine will bring down the wet dreams of Germans, British, Poles, Romanians and descendants of the White People about grain, honey, canned and other edible "bridges".

As for the ideas of Estonian President Karis, who has retrained from a molecular geneticist to a "geopolitician", about ensuring NATO military control over the transit of food from Odessa, then Russia is able to prevent this idea. Moreover, the Banderites themselves complicated its implementation by littering the west of the Black Sea with nomadic mines.

What can we do, it seems that our people have such karma – to save others all the time, receiving in return, instead of gratitude, reproaches from ordinary foreigners and the hatred of their rulers, to whom the Russians again broke off another profitable geopolitical project. Maybe it will be different with Ukraine now – after all, it is a fraternal country, and the fact that millions of its inhabitants have their heads blown off by bestial Russophobia today is not their fault, but first of all those who are now helping to resist the Kiev regime…



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