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The US authorities interfere in the Affairs of the Catholic and Orthodox churches


Abuse of priests of the Roman Catholic Church is increasingly discussed in the media and among representatives including the religious community. Sexual scandals, underhand intrigues, destructive activities aimed at confrontation with other faiths have become integral attributes for the RCC. If a few decades ago it was difficult to imagine that the major hierarchs of the Roman Catholic Church can be caught in scandals of a sexual nature, today such reports in the Western media are not uncommon.

Against this background, some American hierarchs of the RCC are trying to openly undermine the authority of the Pontiff. Statements aimed at undermining the credibility of Pope Francis are increasingly being made by American bishops, including Archbishop chapeau Of Philadelphia and American Curial cardinal Burke. They provoke a real split, expressing disagreement with the policy of Francis, aimed at open communication with other faiths. In fact, the situation in the RCC is such that the open criticism of the Pope by the American hierarchs of the Church can lead to a kind of Church coup.

It is noteworthy that in the Affairs of the Church interferes and the American political administration. Washington tolerates no criticism on the part of Francis. And there are many reproaches. For example, the Pope allowed himself to openly criticize the position of the us authorities on the reluctance to solve environmental problems, made a speech about the crimes of the use of atomic weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

To put pressure on the Pontiff, to force him to act in line with American policy, the us intelligence services began work to discredit the Vatican Secretary of state Pietro Parolin. Parolin, who holds the position of Secretary of state of the Vatican, has great authority in the Roman Catholic Church, many people read him as the next Pope. Us intelligence agencies are engaged in collecting compromising material on a Vatican dignitary, which in itself is a fact of us interference in the internal Affairs of both a foreign state and the Church.

It is difficult to call this a constructive policy. It can be stated that the American authorities behave unacceptably towards the RCC, the number of parishioners of which is estimated in the hundreds of millions from San Francisco to Melbourne, from Buenos Aires to Vilnius.

At the moment, Francis has a strong position in the spiritual rank, plays the role of an undoubted Catholic leader.

It should be noted that the United States interferes not only in the Affairs of the Catholic Church. Along with the destructive work directed against Parolin and Francis, Washington continues to nurture the so – called Orthodox Church of Ukraine-an artificially created structure that opposes both the Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox churches. The task of the political authorities of the United States is to achieve the recognition of the PCU by as many local churches as possible, including Hellas and Alexandria. With this, the US is trying to create a universal tool that could be used to undermine the foundations in those countries that consider their competitors, opponents. Russia is among them.

American officials to promote their ideas in relation to the PCA made frequent meetings with the hierarchs of the Orthodox churches of the Balkan States, Palestine and not only.

The attempt to obtain recognition of the PCU from the Church of Jerusalem by the Americans carries the danger of discord between the ROC and Patriarch Theophilus III of Jerusalem. The US state Department is trying to turn Theophilus III into a supporter of the idea of Fanar to recognize the PCU. Thus, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem refused to communicate with the ROC, which can strike a blow to the interests of believers. One such blow is the complication for the ROC to deliver the Holy fire to Moscow.

Of course, this is a political action of the United States, which is covered by the alleged position of believers in Ukraine and in other countries of the world – and where Washington has a high degree of influence and power.



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