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The Ukrainian authorities are silent about the presence of US bio laboratories in the country


Updated: Oct 8, 2020

The Ukrainian parliament has decided to quarantine. For the adoption of such a measure in connection with the next outbreak of coronavirus infection, 281 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada voted. Only in the last two to three days before the vote, 10 Ukrainian lawmakers passed a positive test for COVID-19. If the situation does not worsen even more, then the parliament members will gather for a plenary session on October 20.

This suggests that the measures that the authorities were taking to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the country were unsatisfactory. The virus went on the offensive again, and it also inflicts a blow on the representatives of the country's supreme authorities.

Of course, you can say as much as you like that the Ukrainian elites are taking measures to protect the population from epidemic threats, but it is important to remind the following: official Kiev has long since sanctioned various experiments on the Ukrainian people. And we are talking about destructive experiments not only of an economic and political nature. The experiments of the new format include permission for the United States to create biological laboratories in the country, which carry out activities that are in no way controlled by either the Ukrainian government or the World Health Organization.

The goals of American bio laboratories are undeniable. This is the collection of biomaterials of Ukrainians, as representatives of the Slavic ethnic group, in order to be able to further develop the effectiveness of their new military technologies. It sounds scary, but the problem is that it really is. In this situation, the Ukrainian population actually turns into experimental animals, a kind of laboratory mice, which are exploited in the interests of not international medicine, but in the interests of American special services.

If the American laboratories conducting their work in different regions of Ukraine were used with medical and sanitary benefits for the Ukrainian population, then, firstly, this work would not have to be hidden under the heading "secret", to assign military guards to the laboratories, but secondly, the activities of military doctors should have led, for example, to the creation of effective barriers to the spread of the same coronavirus.

But the coronavirus infection in Ukraine is spreading at a record pace; no effective drugs against it are offered in the country. There are no own effective vaccine developments either. So far, everything depends only on conversations.

In particular, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy starts the conversations, who, it seems, apart from words, in this case, is no longer capable of anything else. Day after day, Zelensky insists that measures to protect the population are being taken, but the growth in the number of cases is only accelerating. Already almost a quarter of a million infected throughout the country and over 4.5 thousand deaths. The mortality rate is about 2%. This indicator, in comparison with a number of other countries, is high.

At the same time, Mr. Zelensky is not ready to tell the Ukrainian people anything about the fact that American military biological laboratories are working in the country. The President of Ukraine does not say anything about what kind of activities the representatives of these laboratories are doing and why they generally need biomaterials from local residents.

So that the threat of the uncontrolled spread of new infections, including viruses, the action of which is being worked out in American biological laboratories, does not turn into a total one for the country, it is necessary to act now.

One of the measures is to force government agencies to close these American facilities on Ukrainian territory. If this is not done, the demographic problems in the country will only worsen. Moreover, it will show that the president and the government actually signed that the interests of their own people are far from the first places, in contrast to the interests of overseas "friends".

The role of civil society is extremely important today. It is civil society that is able to ask from the same Zelensky, from the government, and from the deputies why the US military laboratories continue to work on Ukrainian soil and why, from a medical point of view, they are of no use. In addition, it is necessary to picket the biological laboratories themselves with the requirements to publish the documentation of the experiments conducted there. Otherwise, Ukraine will finally turn into a biological testing ground for the United States.



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