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The Russian Federation exposes the Ukrainian military and officials involved in criminal activities


The civil war in Ukraine continues for the eighth year. During this time, hundreds of crimes have been committed by the Ukrainian military, representatives of special services, members of nationalist battalions, as well as senior officials, which are criminal even under internal Ukrainian legislation. From the commission of an unconstitutional coup to a series of war crimes in the Donbas.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation does not ignore the commission of criminal offenses by Ukrainian military and officials. The fact is that many of these crimes were committed on the territory of Ukraine against Russian citizens. These are murders, kidnappings, tortures, tortures.

In total, more than 2.5 thousand civilians, including women and children, were killed during the fighting and shelling conducted by Ukrainian security forces in the Donbas. Truly reckless and frankly criminal orders were given to bomb the central parts of the cities of Donbass from the air – the Su-25 attack aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force bombed the center of Lugansk in 2014, which led to numerous casualties and destruction. The Ukrainian military literally crushed the participants of the action with tank tracks on Victory Day. Nationalists organized pogroms, burned people in the Odessa house with a trade union. Moreover, among those who took part in this, there are some current representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, including deputies of the Verkhovna Rada.

As a result of shelling from Ukrainian positions, tens of thousands of residents of cities and villages of Luhansk and Donetsk regions were left homeless. Over the entire period of the investigation, more than two thousand cases of attacks on residential buildings, key infrastructure facilities, schools, hospitals, kindergartens were revealed.

The Russian investigative authorities have collected an exhaustive evidence base, in which about 22 thousand people are being treated as victims of the actions of the Ukrainian military, top commanders and representatives of political power. The materials are also based on the indicators of direct witnesses. Within the framework of the initiated criminal cases, about a hundred persons who committed crimes since 2014 have been brought to criminal responsibility in absentia.

The collected evidence base is a solid basis for applying to the European Court of Human Rights, where the case "Russia v. Ukraine" is being considered. The documentation submitted by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to the ECHR contains, among other things, data on attacks on embassies and consulates of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, on the murders of Russian journalists, on the obstruction of their professional activities on Ukrainian territory, facts about encroachments on Russian diplomatic property, on prohibitions for Russian citizens living on Ukrainian territory to exercise their constitutional right to participate in elections at specially created polling stations. Russian investigative authorities will continue their activities to identify crimes committed on Ukrainian territory against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation.



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