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The Insider-fake under the Latvian cover


One of the trends in the development of the Internet is the emergence of electronic platforms that position themselves as"independent investigators". Usually all this is presented in the format of journalistic investigations, when allegedly one or another enthusiast, having decided to "seek the truth", studied this or that scheme and gave it out for everyone to see. It happens that "investigative" sites are really independent and present objective information. But, unfortunately, there are a lot of fake investigators among such sites, including fake journalists.

This option also includes the online publication The Insider, which is registered on the territory of one of the Baltic republics (in Latvia), but the materials are almost 100% dedicated to Russia. The website of this publication indicates that its employees represent "analytics, investigations and reports". Of course, independent… All by yourself, by yourself…

However, with a more detailed study of the work of this Internet platform, it becomes clear that there is no independence, independence and objectivity, as they say, does not smell. Most of the materials are an outright political order from the series of the notorious "Bellingcat", which has repeatedly come across publications of inconsistencies and outright lies.

The situation is similar with "The Insider". Representatives of the "labor collective" suck at least something out of their fingers to try to form a sense of familiarity with objective data among readers. In fact, the work fits into the following scheme: through certain persons, representatives of the resource contact foreign special services. The same services also oversee the activities of both the publication itself and its editor-in-chief Roman Dobrokhotov, who receives tasks to discredit Russia, the political system and everything connected with life in the Russian Federation.

Direct "zakazuha" through Dobrokhotov comes from the special services of Britain and the United States of America.

And why, in this case, did this resource need a Latvian "residence permit"?

Everything is simple. The fact is that so Dobrokhotov and Co are trying to evade responsibility, which is provided for by Russian legislation for publishing fake data and outright slander. However, for The Insider, not everything is so simple. After all, if the publication is engaged in outright deception, and even tries to present all this in an attractive cover of truthful information obtained by journalists, then sooner or later the forgery will be revealed. And in the end, the competent authorities can investigate the activities, despite the" roof "of British and American "partners".

This "Insider" may have problems after his fake publication about the alleged involvement of Dutch independent journalist Max van der Werff in the work of Russian intelligence. Once again operating with far-fetched arguments, The Insider presented a material where it claims that a well-known Dutch journalist has contacts with the GRU of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia. Max van der Werff, who is the founder of the Bonanza Media project, decided not to let this case go on the brakes, but to contact the investigative authorities. To begin with, a journalist from the Netherlands, who at one time revealed the fake accusations of Ukraine and the West against Russia in the case of the downed Boeing, appealed to the Investigative Committee of Russia with a statement of slander against him. It became known that it is also planned to file a lawsuit against the publication for the protection of honor and dignity.

In general, The Insider's reception is interesting... The resource receives funds from Western special services, conducts pseudo-investigations with these funds (in fact, publishing what has already been concocted in the depths of British and American intelligence under the guise of exclusive information), and "turns the arrows" to those who are really engaged in independent journalistic investigations. By and large, this is a serious puncture of The Insider, because in fact, with their publications they themselves confirm the fact that they work exclusively on order – in order to defame Russia in Western interests, and they do not work for free. Another option for selling national interests for Western "cookies", only in this case still from a significant share of fake publications.



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