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Operation coronavirus - reset the epoch


Western exchanges are flying down-losses are greater than in 1929, the economy and world trade are in a stupor. And the public is looking at data on how many coronavirus patients there are in each country. The world's media focuses people on personal safety and health – which is certainly important and necessary, but to understand the overall strategic situation, we need to look in the other direction. Before our eyes, the EPOCH is being RESET, and then the reformatting of the world that has become habitual for mankind over the past decades will begin – belle époque, which has gone irrevocably… Borders are closed, and trade has become. Companies are on the verge of bankruptcy, followed by mass unemployment. It is painful to talk about the demise of tourism and air travel. Housing loans – the famous mortgage-will make the future unemployed future homeless. And when they write that "the coronavirus already has every chance to reformat the entire world economy in a few months", they turn the problem on its head. It was to reformat the world economy that this – Yes, the most dangerous, but still "screen" in the form of a coronavirus appeared. Before us – the living embodiment of the old trick: when everyone is called to look in one direction, then look directly in the opposite direction – that's where the most important thing is happening behind our backs.

People used to look in their wallets, and today they are forced to look at the temperature and monitor the cough. And what they will have left in their wallets-then they will find out. No wonder trump started pouring trillions into American pockets – however, as usual, someone will get "tops", and someone "roots". But the operation itself to pump already 6 trillion dollars into the US financial system makes an impression even on some heads of neighboring States with Russia. And those-instead of admiring the dollar zeros that flashed before their eyes, it would be better to have patience or even look at the inner eye for five or six months ahead – what kind of inflation will these zeros bring to the economy of the world?

When they say today that "the World has changed irrevocably", they mean, of course, the financial and economic system. But people will continue to live and raise children – nothing will change here, maybe even families will strengthen. Operation virus Now amazing materials have begun to appear from the depths of the archives, familiarity with which raises the question: "Did not the previously planned story with the pandemic "launch" into action at the very moment when the financial collapse was no longer possible to stop"? Surprised? Then let's get acquainted with the report of the Rockefeller Foundation from 2010 – there today's scenario was written in plain text. The report is called " Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The Rockefeller Foundation. May 2010». ("Scenarios for the future of technology and international development. Rockefeller foundation. 2010"). They did not specify the exact date in this report. according to the forecast, the virus infection in the world was supposed to start in 2012, immediately after the financial collapse in 2008-2009. Apparently, it was prepared for 2012, but the fed's measures to fill the roar with hundreds of billions from the QE program ("quantitative easing») delayed the" launch " of the pandemic.

«In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. The pandemic blanketed the planet…»

Does it look like what's happening today? And so on: "Wherever national interests collided with individual interests, there was a conflict. The sporadic pushback is becoming more organized and coordinated, as disaffected youth and people who have seen their status and opportunities slip away – mostly in developing countries – have caused civil unrest… Even those who like the greater stability and predictability of this world have begun to feel awkward and self-conscious because of the many strict rules and strict national borders. Sooner or later, something will inevitably break the neat order that the governments of the world have so diligently established."

Or such a report of the us national intelligence Council (national intelligence Council) 2004 2004 - " mapping the global future. Project 2020 " ("Drawing a global future. Project for 2020"). They explicitly specified today's date-2020. And there – within the framework of the project for this year-on page 30 we read: "The process of globalization, no matter how powerful it may be, can be significantly slowed down or even stopped. Apart from a major global conflict, which we believe is unlikely, another large-scale event that we believe can stop globalization will be a pandemic."

Further: "Such a pandemic in megacities in the developing world with weak health systems – in sub-Saharan Africa, China, India, Bangladesh or Pakistan – will have devastating consequences and could spread rapidly around the world. Globalization will be under threat."

Popular blogger Chipstone writes: "It was the pandemic that was the ideal force majeure factor, for which it is virtually impossible to pin the blame on anyone in particular." So there are no culprits to be found? And the financial and economic crisis broke out. And the pandemic "blocked" it. And we can't ignore that. Surprisingly, some experts are now surprised to ask: "No global think-tank has been able to predict a pandemic." Even as predicted! They were preparing to RESET. They knew it would come sooner or later. The owners of the financial system have well studied its features, up to the point when it will no longer stand and collapse… Moreover, in the understanding of the US military, a pandemic, like bioweapons, "is an important scenario not because it is the greatest risk, but because it affects the system the most." This is a quote from the Newsweek magazine article " Exclusive: Inside the military's top secret. Plans if coronavirus cripples the government". Again: "...not because it is the biggest risk, but because it affects the system the most." Their concern is not about "risk", but about "system".

"Ammo bought..." The world is being pulled towards destabilization? Let's answer in a different way-the world has come to a point where there is, if not already, a RESET. RESET the world financial system that has fallen into disrepair, where "money made money" without the participation of people and production. Zeroing out Globalization. ZEROING out the freedom of movement from continent to continent of hundreds of millions of people – some in search of work, some in search of new experiences from tourism. ZERO production of vehicles, the growth of which is now simply not in demand. RESET the format of social life itself. The system created in the West almost 500 years ago and based on loan interest, colonial robbery and forcible seizure of resources, has reached the limit of growth and is crumbling before our eyes. Globalization in the Western, or more precisely, in the Anglo – Saxon law of force – both military and legal-is disappearing. By the way, have you ever thought about the fact that the "international law of the sea" was created by the Anglo-Saxons in their own interests since the heyday of their piracy?

Now the expanses of the Earth for the experiments of international corsairs were finite. And this simple truth began to reach even Westerners. Radhika Desai, a Professor at the University of Manitoba, Canada, and Director of the Geopolitic Economy Research Group, in the article "the Unexpected Reckoning: Coronavirus and Capitalism" – "Unexpected reckoning: coronavirus and capitalism", recognized that "the roots of the rivalry characteristic of the twenty-first century lie, of course, in the shift of the world's economic center of gravity away from the West". The Western civilization of money has become so decrepit that it can no longer think of anything to offer even for its own salvation, except for financial manipulations that it understands. The descendants of the pirates simply do not see any other scenarios for saving their dominance in the world economy. In order for people on all continents not to worry too much about the collapse of such a convenient and comfortable for many "a La Western world and way of life", they are thrown a pandemic as a distraction. And the coronavirus-Yes, it is dangerous today, but, again, behind this "screen" there are events that will be even more painful for the masses of people in America and in Europe tomorrow. In the article "the Virus and Capitalism" in the "Counterpunch" edition, it is explicitly stated: "The official plan for today is a financial one, to bail out wall Street and airlines, lower payroll taxes, throw token checks to the masses and hope it all works out. And the pandemic is only a catalyst for current financial problems, not a cause." But ... the coronavirus is back on wall Street, and no one will see much of it. But Russia, together with China, with high-quality maneuvering – China has already shown that it is possible – will be at the exit from this crisis in the best, though not in an ideal state for obvious reasons. Now you will be able to see firsthand what we have written about here more than once or twice – the Power is moving to the East of Asia. And the West is sinking where it has driven the rest of the world for 500 years – it is sinking into backwardness. Even a piece of paper worth a trillion dollars – and it will soon appear, and more on this below – can not be eaten for lunch instead of borscht… And the fed does not produce real goods, but virtual money. Well, right on Saltykov-Shchedrin: "it's nothing that in Europe they give one fifty kopecks for a dollar – - it will be worse if they give one in the face for a dollar." From America in the Network write: "The most important moment was the spread of crisis phenomena over a huge area… Cartridges are bought up... In gun stores the counters with cartridges are just empty… The capital preparations of the population for conducting military operations with firearms are impressive... Collapse is expected in several interconnected areas of the economy. Stock markets may blossom and smell, but there is a lot of interesting things in the real world."

In the US, they decided to take trillions of dollars from China "on trial" At least 1.5 billion people in four dozen (so far) most developed countries of the world have been quarantined due to the coronavirus, Sky News has estimated. That is, at the main production sites – ti-Shi-na. And the same financiers wail: "Well, everything collapsed because the workers did not work, but stayed at home. And we have nothing to do with it. We are white and furry." They have already started broadcasting about it on TV, shifting the responsibility "from a sick head to a healthy one" – this is their Scenario. Although de facto it is because of the tricks of wall Street and the fed that the world has lived up to its current adventures. And financiers not only speak, but also act. Some American law firms - "Berman Law Group" and "Lucas-Copmton" filed a joint lawsuit against ... the Chinese government. What kind of offices are these? So, one of their founders and owners is Francis Biden. Who is he? So he is also the brother of the former Vice President of the United States, and now the candidate for the presidency – Joe Biden. One hand washes the other. These offices now accuse China of "acting in self-interest by hiding information about the epidemic," which ultimately affected the entire world, including the United States. Representatives of two firms-crooks like O'henry-hope that if they win, they will be able to seize the assets of Chinese state-owned companies in the United States. The total amount of damage that they intend to inflict on China has not yet been precisely determined, but may amount to trillions of dollars. This trick was invented to compensate for the losses of Westerners. While the ratings are as follows: - UNCTAD report ("UN Conference on trade and development»): "Now we predict that the pressure on global investment will decrease in the range from minus 30% to minus 40%. The top 5,000 multinational corporations (mainly Western – S. F.), which account for a significant share of global investment, currently forecast a revision of their earnings estimates in 2020 by an average of minus 30%." The West's income from Globalization is falling rapidly. – "Morgan Chase" forecasts an overall increase in the number of unemployed in the United States to more than 7-8 million people. This is significantly more than in 2008 and is comparable to the times of the great Depression. According to other estimates, unemployment in the US will rise to 14 -15 million people. – Since March 19, the US has lost 50 to 65% of GDP for every day of downtime on an annual basis. For the quarter, the economy will lose 2/3. "Bank of America" informed the City and the World that "the US economy has completed a multi-year period of growth and entered a recession." – Trump has a choice - either a quarantine across the country,or he goes to the polls in November with a collapsed economy, and Biden will play it to the full. What to do? The printing press is going into battle! But – just in case-meetings at the White house are held with caution:

"Load the oranges with barrels!" Unlimited QE ("quantitative easing") has been launched in the US. According to the fed, it will buy "an unlimited number of US government bonds and real estate mortgages." The fed intends to "flood" all markets with money, pay all Americans basic income, give small businesses interest-free loans and save money all "going down" American corporations. From the statement: "the fed has unlimited money. The fed creates them electronically in unlimited numbers." According to the us President's economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, the us authorities intend to allocate $ 6 trillion in aid "in connection with the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection". 2 trillion dollars will be direct aid and about 4 trillion more-loans from the fed. Kudlow noted that this amount will be "the largest package of financial assistance in the history of the United States", which will be provided in the form of cash and loans to a wide segment of the American population. Just in case, realizing that this money will now flood the market for consumer goods in the United States, trump issued a Decree according to which the competent authorities have the right to identify and punish merchants who inflate the prices of essential goods, as well as form excessive stocks of such goods. This is how he" banned " hyperinflation. By the way, there is an example in history when inflation was already banned – it was the "black colonels" in Greece after they seized power in the 1970s. The right way is POTUS. The fed's overall balance sheet could grow to $ 9-10 trillion in the next 1-2 months. This is almost half of the entire American economy. And it, the US economy, goes into the private hands of one office – the dream of the founding fathers of the fed has come true! But what will happen next – "the next day"? There have never been similar financial experiments in the history of the United States or anywhere else in the world. Today, decisions are made within the framework of well-known financial theory and practice. But, in the conditions of the end of the development cycle, these tools will not work for a long time – except for the familiar situation in the West "die today, you, and I-tomorrow": "Bolivar will not stand two"... This whole trillions-dollar-throw-in-the-bucket thing makes tactical sense. The prospect is a failure in any case. This is the RESET. Someone has already made a joke: "The dollar is multiplying faster today than the coronavirus»… And there is a certain amount of truth in this joke that financiers seem to realize. Again, they think in financial terms, so they propose a new financial measure to save the situation – they want to create a mechanism for increasing monetization without increasing the national debt. The bottom line is that the us Treasury has the right to mint a coin, but the fed does not have such a right. Therefore, several coins were minted in denominations of... 1 TRILLION (1,000,000,000,000) dollars each! For what? Note the beauty of the combination: the fed accepts these 5-6 or even 8 coins at ... face value in trillions(!) on its balance sheet and meet enroll the same number of dollars at the expense of the Federal Treasury. Pure "Wedding in Malinovka": "Take-take! I'll draw another one for myself!" Its God, "you will want to live, and not so raskoryachsya" (with). The second "backup option" is to go into cryptocurrency and say goodbye to the dollar. The international monetary Fund has "feelers out": goscript, they say, can become the mass means of payment; goscript supposedly "more efficient and less costly method of organization of monetary circulation than Bank accounts." Just another question – and whose this "goscript" if it "state"? American, Chinese, European, and Eurasian-who does this "state" refer to? Why are they misleading the people? It would not be "state" and "Murkrat". But while the idea is being developed, Westerners, as usual, are dark. They really want to stay on the horse after all this mess. And don't lose control. By the way, how will the Yankees react to the fact that the IMF has already prepared for a memorial service for the dollar? Kristalina Geogrgieva, as the chief Executive officer of the IMF, should be concerned not only with General issues, but also with her future. Does she remember the Strauss-Kahn incident that wanted to" move " the dollar? The US needs real resources Famous for" cutting the truth "website" Zerohedge "publishes an article" Deutsche Bank: Helicopter Money Will Be "Disastrous" And Will Lead To Hyperinflation, "Buy Gold" – - " Deutschbank warns: "Scattering money from a helicopter" will be disastrous and lead to hyperinflation. Buy gold». Let us remind you that "scattering money from a helicopter" is a famous phrase that was uttered at the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008. In other words, we are talking about printing and distributing unsecured banknotes to banks on the scale of trillions of dollars. Then the European Central Bank resorted to this technique, throwing hundreds of billions of "empty" euros into the EU. The article, in particular, States: "Now that the money for helicopters has finally arrived, a trillion dollars just reminds the population that money, like any other consensus construction, is just an illusion and depends on "faith and trust" in this money»…

So for all the curious, it will soon become clear what the hyperinflationary endgame looks like… The situation is that under the conditions of quarantine from coronavirus, demand and production decrease, and the amount of money increases. Now we are not seeing a "supply shock" from classical overproduction, but a "demand shock". At the same time, the demand for services and goods remains much less-offhand the main thing today: food and medicine + communication. Therefore, consumption is falling. This means that all unnecessary production will be eliminated in the world – they have created too much of everything. That's what it's all about. Especially affected is the management link - "office plankton". Here it is-RESET. And in America, far-sighted people understand that the measure of exclusively printing new dollars will not save the case. They need real resources to manage them. For example, the world oil market. Therefore, the US has another strange idea-to save itself by ... uniting and coordinating with Saudi Arabia in the oil market. Just a gesture of desperation! Several senators asked Secretary of state Pompeo "pressure" on the Saudis. They write to the state Department personally to Secretary Pompeo. It is a good thing that it is not in the UN or in Sportloto: "We call on you, as the country's chief diplomat, to bring our demand to the attention of the Saudis. We call on both Riyadh and Moscow to stop wreaking havoc on world markets, especially at a time when our country is trying to cope with a growing pandemic and avert an economic crisis... Riyadh should immediately leave the OPEC antique cartel and join the United States as an energy Force in the global free energy market." – «Riyadh should leave the antique OPEC cartel immediately and join the United States on the global stage as a free market energy powerhouse». In the United States, the game has already started with both the Saudis and OPEC, which has never happened before. Moreover, this initiative goes against us anti-cartel legislation – they cannot legally work with a cartel named OPEC. Therefore, they call on Saudi Arabia to withdraw from OPEC, so as not to violate American laws themselves. And if the senators offer a "stick", the oilmen themselves offer a "carrot" in the form of a division of the world oil market... without Russia. The other day, the American state regulator of the oil market did the "unthinkable" - it contacted representatives of OPEC. Ryan Sitton, Commissioner of the "Texas railway Commission", which, despite its name, is a key oil structure in Texas and the South of the United States, said that OPEC invited him to participate in the next meeting of oil exporting countries in June. The American in his Twitter slyly – it is not OPEC "invited", it is he who contacted OPEC Secretary General Mohammad Barkindo and asked for a meeting. How they were pinned down there! Many observers are already paying attention to how the Yankees and Westerners, in General, have opened an information front against Russia and China, blaming us for the causes of their crisis. And good! If the Yankees do not understand what is happening to them – and the senators clearly write, as they say, "from the heart" - then let them enjoy the collapse. They can't get out of the submarine. Moreover, as we can assume, and few people think about it today, "in the context of a collapsing world economy, it makes no sense to discuss the current cost of a barrel of oil in dollars. At the moment, it is unclear what the level of consumption of hydrocarbons will be in the post-crisis world, and it is not clear whether the dollar will remain as a currency of global significance." There is and will be oil and gas, but the petrodollar will soon be forgotten. Even if due to its inflation, the price per barrel will become not 30, but 300 devalued dollars. And in General, it is not oil that has become more expensive in recent decades (from $ 3 in the early 70s to $ 140 in the mid-2000s), but the dollar has become cheaper. Inflation, so to speak, as a visual agitation. The same for gas. They write that gas prices in Europe have fallen to historical lows. They write that Gazprom in 2020 can get the lowest income here for 15 years – the price has already dropped to $ 100 per 1,000 cubic meters. And the demand for gas is drying up not only under the pressure of quarantine measures, but because of the fact that Europe's gas storage facilities are full of reserves. Overstocked ahead of time. However, not in anticipation of the coronavirus, but in anticipation of the termination of gas supplies through Ukraine. Well-not one thing, but another… After all, it's time to start trading gas and oil for rubles with Europe. Some people will not give a damn for the future of the "Euro" itself, given the current "high relations" between the EU countries. Those who wish can play on the sweepstakes: "When will the Euro disappear?» Or – "When I come back the Lira in Italy or the franc in France or the brand in Germany?» I'm betting on the end of 2020. What do you think? But the ruble is not going anywhere. Europe is focused on nationalization There are two other topics to present – reaction in Europe and options for the development of events in the United States. By the way, here are the results of 2019 and the forecast for 2020 from the magazine "Focus Economics" regarding the volume of GDP in the leading countries of the world:

And another forecast from 2019 is about the ability of different countries to counter epidemics and pandemics: "The countries best prepared to respond to the pandemic." They write about the "level of preparation for the response to the epidemic/pandemic" on behalf of the "Global Health Security Index". It is very significant that only Western States are evaluated – the US, as usual, is at the top of the list.

How highly they valued themselves! And where did their "pandemic resistance" go today? How well everything was planned... and now… However, now-news from the leading countries of Europe. I almost wrote "EU", but now it is clear that the roads of Europe and the EU – without the UK – diverge. So: – The German authorities are thinking about nationalizing enterprises if problems with the coronavirus endanger their existence, German economy and energy Minister Peter Altmaier told Spiegel in an interview. – The German Finance Ministry: "we will enter into the capital of companies, if necessary." Yes, this is nationalization. – According to recent estimates, the economy of the United Kingdom may collapse by 30%, and at the end of the year lose up to 5% of GDP. This GDP in 2019 was almost 3 trillion dollars. – The UK government is committed to paying 80% of all wages "for the duration of the virus". The payments themselves can reach up to 2,500 pounds per person. The program will launch in April. Ahead-inflation. - Discussions continue on nationalization of the most problematic business structures in the UK. First in line are air carriers "EasyJet "and"British Airways". – The British economy will undergo soft nationalization, and the state will almost entirely replace private business in a number of industries. Everything that Thatcher did to the UK economy in the 1980s will now be done the opposite. RESET to zero in its pure form. – In Italy, the issue of nationalization of the airline "Al Italia" is a foregone conclusion. All these reports would have been surprising if only a few years ago the most astute political scientists in the West did not start thinking that "socialism" is not a dirty word, but a possible real Future for the United States and other NATO countries. Are you surprised? Then look at us presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who just openly promotes the theme of "socialism in America", and no one there contradicts him – the theme is ripe. Then read the growing wave of publications by Western authors on the topic of "the return of socialism". And even if they do not look at this term exactly as Marx saw it, events develop directly "according to Marx". Remember his verdict on capitalism: "the hour of capitalist private property is Striking. Expropriators are expropriated." Well, or as they call it now – "nationalize". A kind of "lite" version. "We are in a territory where we have never been before» To illustrate our thesis about the growing popularity of the ideas of socialism in the United States and in the West as a whole, let us quote the article "the Socialist Specter in Present-Day US Politics" – "the Socialist spectrum in current American politics", published in mid – March 2020-already in the midst of the pandemic. Said: "The US political scene is filled with talk of socialism. The basis for this debate has been developing for several years, especially since the 2008 financial crisis, which many have come to see as decisive proof that the capitalist economy does not serve the majority." Write: – "The dominant trend in US political rhetoric is to view socialism not as the destruction of capitalist class relations, but rather as an extension of the scope of government. A favorite strategy of those like Bernie Sanders... when Sanders calls his socialism "democratic," he tells us that it remains embedded in mainstream capitalist institutions." However, knowing the Americans, they can reduce "socialism" to the level of variety numbers… - "Socialism is equated with state subsidies, not an alternative vision of society." Today, "state subsidies" in the United States are issued for trillions, so they are "building their socialism"? These ideas are already in the press. In everyday politics, the question of nationalization is raised by trump. "We will help the aviation industry. We will help the cruise ship industry. We will probably help the hotel industry, " the US President said. De facto, he indicated that he would support the trend towards nationalization of some companies. So, the American government takes place in the direction of nationalization? As well as the governments of the leading European countries, as mentioned above. And the most important conclusion: This is a complete change in the entire American development paradigm, where private initiative and personal freedoms have traditionally been put at the forefront. Realizing that the crisis can even re-color the political map – even to the point of introducing some socialist elements of the US economy management, the country's owners snapped back in a way that they did not respond to many other troubles. Above, we started quoting an article from March 23, 2020 from Newsweek magazine "Inside the Military's Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government" – "about the military's super-secret plans in the event that the coronavirus takes over the government." It almost contains the key phrase: "We're in territory we've never been in before" – "We're in territory we've never been in before". It is written in plain text: "According to new documents and interviews with military experts, the various plans-codenamed "Octagon", " Freejack "and" Zodiac " – are unspoken laws that ensure continuity of government. They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, the "transfer" of power can circumvent the normal constitutional provisions on the succession of governments, and military commanders can gain control of America." Under the new Pentagon rules, military commanders "are allowed to take action on their own in emergency situations when legitimate local authorities cannot control the situation." Conditions for the army to operate in the United States include "large-scale, unexpected civil unrest", "significant loss of life", or "destruction of property". A new trump-era Pentagon Directive calls these " extreme situations." "We are in a new territory," says one senior officer. He jokes, with the kind of sickly humor that characterizes this slow-moving disaster, that "America better know who General Terrence J. O'shaughnessy is, who is the "commander of the fighters" of the United States." – «Gen. Terrence J. O‘Shaughnessy is the "combatant commander" for the United States and would in theory be in charge if Washington were eviscerated. That is, until a new civilian leader could be installed». That is, "theoretically will lead if Washington is "gutted" until a new civilian leader is identified."

The US is preparing to impose martial law. This is all "democracy", which cannot cope with the crisis breaking of society. The Ghost of the 1930s rises from oblivion… The us Constitution is "quarantined" And, finally, one more confession, which in this difficult and nervous environment became even too much. But, people are concerned, they are nervous. And they began to utter such maxims as they had previously preferred to keep silent about. However, this is not surprising, because after ZEROING out, you will first need to understand "where we are", then "find the way". And, in the end, "go to the new clear fire." And this became clear to many. Here is the reaction of an American who presents himself this way: "I Am an American constitutional lawyer, and I see that our government is using Covid – 19 to deprive us of basic rights." This is written on March 22, 2020 by Robert Barnes, an American constitutional lawyer known for his political predictions that have come true. His concern: – Do we really think that 'it can't be here' in America? Can we isolate the Constitution? Are we already doing this?" – "Panic from pandemics opens the way for uncontrolled power." – "The government in America is using this pandemic to restrict or even eliminate freedom of speech and freedom of Assembly – this is against The first amendment to the Constitution," which guarantees all American freedoms. – "The media is fomenting panic around this pandemic." – "People responded by declaring their right to refuse armed resistance on the basis of The second amendment to the Constitution," which guarantees the right to bear arms. – "Personal security is necessary at a time when the government is publicly releasing prisoners from prison because of the pandemic." Thousands of prisoners have already been released from prison in the United States, as a coronavirus epidemic has broken out in prisons. – "The real threat of a pandemic is a panic that isolates our Constitution." – The government acts in a pandemic panic like a virus, infecting our minds and bodies, controlling speech, Association, and movement, using surveillance tools that the founders didn't know about." - "No salary. There is no income. No prospect». – "A lost labor force that can never be restored while our economy is on the verge of the worst depression." - "The pandemic is here. Opportunity and property were gone. The Constitution is quarantined." Yes, if the Pentagon got the right to operate on its own territory together or instead of the National guard, the question of "placing the Constitution in quarantine" for Americans is akin to a shock… A very prescient British magazine "The Economist" presents the situation on the cover of the latest issue – " Everything is under control. Big government, freedom, and the virus»: Having seen enough of the disaster movies that Hollywood has been churning out in recent years, the majority of Americans already believe in the Apocalypse and UFOs. About aliens-a separate question, and the favorite Apocalypse in modern guise has already knocked on their doors. And some remembered Stephen king's novel "Confrontation", where there is such an episode: "On the facade Of the first Baptist Church in Atlanta, it was written in red paint: "Dear Jesus. Soon meet. Your girlfriend, America. P.S. I Hope you still have some free seats by the end of the week." That's all this is called ZEROING. Perhaps that's what Stephen king will call his next novel… The question is ," what Happens Next?"



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