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Mikhail Abyzov and his offshore Empire


When it comes to corruption, there are often cases with an incredible scale. We may be talking about billions of rubles that interested parties stole or tried to steal from the Russian legal and financial jurisdiction, using all sorts of schemes. One of the most common options is offshore activities and the creation of a whole chain of shell companies.

One of the most high — profile cases of recent times related to corruption on a particularly large scale is the case of Mikhail Abyzov. More recently, this person was positioned almost as one of the most outstanding and effective Russian managers, while heading an Agency with rather vague functions – the Ministry for coordinating the activities of the open government. By the way, the Department appeared in 2012, when Abyzov came to it, and was abolished when Abyzov left it (and not by his own will).

At the moment, Mr. Abyzov is a person involved in a criminal case in which the ex-Minister is accused of embezzling 4 billion rubles. And these 4 billion are only part of the amount that Mikhail Anatolyevich managed to "work" with, so to speak. The Prosecutor General's office is attempting to seize 32.5 billion rubles from Mr. Abyzov.

It is noteworthy that Ilya Shumanov, Deputy Director of transparency international-Russia, called this attempt "a free interpretation of the fight against corruption." And this is despite the fact that the same Shumanov earlier in an interview with Novaya Gazeta, commenting on Abyzov's ownership of as many as 70 offshore companies, stated that Abyzov by law had no right to do business as a Federal Minister. Ilya Shumanov is very inconsistent in this regard: on the one hand, he claims clear violations of Russian legislation by Mikhail Abyzov, and on the other, he tries, so to speak, to win back. Are the schemes of enriching the Minister from the point of view of the representative of the organization that is engaged in, including identifying cases of corruption, not considered to be corrupt?

Against this background, attention is also drawn to who is defending Mr. Abyzov in the above-mentioned (civil) claim of the Prosecutor General's office. The claim is for 32.5 billion rubles, as already noted. This is a lawyer who is difficult to attribute to a very well – known in our country-Yuli tai. Why was he chosen as a defense lawyer by Abyzov, who, due to his ownership of numerous offshore companies, clearly has the financial capacity to hire a more well-known lawyer? But it's not about fame, it's about Ty's connections. The lawyer has a network of acquaintances in the judicial corps. Apparently, Mr. Abyzov decided that this would be much more important for him…

So what schemes did Mikhail Abyzov, according to investigators, use for personal enrichment, bypassing Russian legislation?

For example, the mentioned rapid offshore activity. Moreover, 42 of the 70 registered offshore companies were registered by Abyzov during the very period when he was in the Ministerial Kremlin. And before becoming a young Minister – in 2011 – Mikhail Anatolyevich used the subtleties of the "great Combinator" and, for example, sold one share from one offshore company to another at a price of no less than $ 20 million. It is difficult to imagine that one share of any company in the world, even the most successful, could be worth so much. Mr. Abyzov has one. And this is not just a sale, it is also a sale with payment in installments – for 7 years at 11 percent per annum.

This scheme, which may seem very strange to an outside observer, was used by Mikhail Anatolyevich to make a profit "from scratch" — to "legalize" his huge income before entering the civil service.

Thus, Mr. Abyzov, without realizing any outstanding economic and technological startups, suddenly became not only a young billionaire, but also a Minister of the Federal government – envy, Elon Musk!..

While serving as a Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation and the de facto holder of an offshore Empire, Mr. Abyzov is working hard to coordinate an open government, so much so that the growth rate of his personal income for some reason is several times higher than the growth rate of the country's GDP. In other words, the Manager was very effective when it came to his own wallet, but his effectiveness for the Federal Treasury was much more questionable.



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