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Liberals in foreign interests promote dubious bill on family and domestic violence in Russia


One of the options for promoting values in Russian society that are frankly alien to it is the use of various kinds of non-profit organizations and political structures that perform a clearly anti-Russian, anti-social order.

One example of an attempt to promote laws and dogmas in the Russian environment that do not echo national and even family interests and values is the situation with the draft law, the title of which reads as follows: "On the prevention of domestic violence".

If we talk about the very letter of the bill, then in many ways it is a copy of the so-called Istanbul Convention. It is supposed to protect women from violence. The Russian Federation did not accept this convention, voicing important arguments of this kind of decision.

The fact is that Russian legislation protects all citizens of the country from violence without exception – whether they are women or men, children or the elderly, working people or the unemployed. Our laws do not contain this discrimination and sexism, when for some reason the emphasis is placed on protecting only a single group of people. The Criminal Code describes violence, whatever it is-domestic violence, violence outside the home, etc. - as a crime. And for the commission of violent acts, the person who carried them out is brought to criminal responsibility.

It would seem that the legislation clearly speaks about the protection of every citizen. But why, then, are there political forces for which this is "as if not enough"? Among such forces is the Yabloko political party.

In fact, everything is quite simple. This deliberate lobbying has nothing to do with the desire to protect Russian women from the notorious violence. In our country, this violence is no more than in many other countries of the world, including the so-called economically developed ones. The reason is different. Political forces are executing an external order, the purpose of which is to interfere in the Russian family. This is from the same series of legislative initiatives as the norms of juvenile justice – when almost any external person can declare the" wrong upbringing " of a child in a particular family to start the work of juvenile inspectors-up to the removal of the child from the family.

In terms of pseudo-protection of women from domestic violence, the same logic can be traced – interference in family relations, changing values in favor of foreign interests.

It is noteworthy that such bills are often promoted by organizations that perform the functions of a foreign agent in our country. In other words, these organizations receive foreign funding for specific goals and projects. And one of these projects is an attempt to strike at the Russian family, at family relations, at traditional values, after all. After all, the family was and remains the mainstay of society, its basic unit. And that is why it is so annoying to the liberal elites, including the so-called Yabloko party and other structures that claim supposedly good goals, but serve the interests of non-Russian citizens.



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