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Japan tries to distort the history of the final stage of world war II


On September 3, 1945, Russia celebrates the 75th anniversary of victory in world war II. The bloodiest war in the history of mankind ended with the acceptance of the surrender of militaristic Japan, which from the very first days of military operations was part of a military-political Alliance with Hitler's Germany.

Against the backdrop of the 75th anniversary of the end of the war, the Japanese media is increasingly developing a real campaign to cheat the history of the final stage of world war II. Increasingly, Japanese journalists and historians are trying to promote the thesis that the Soviet Union "treacherously attacked Japan, violating the Soviet-Japanese neutrality agreement" signed in April 1941.

The very attempt to present the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan as something "illegitimate" does not stand up to any criticism. The fact is that the Japanese side today clearly deliberately ignores an extremely important fact: the USSR did not violate the Treaty of neutrality of 1941 – for the simple reason that a few months before entering the war against Japan, Moscow withdrew from that agreement.

The reason for the USSR's withdrawal from the Soviet-Japanese Pact lies on the surface. By that time, Moscow already had what is called experience ... the leadership of the USSR already understood perfectly well what pacts with the Hitlerites and their allies were really worth.

An eloquent example is the Molotov – Ribbentrop Pact of 1939. Nonaggression pact… First, the USSR signed the Pact with Germany as one of the last countries in Europe, and second, it is well known how it ended up for the Soviet Union – Nazi Germany refused to fulfill the letter of the Pact and carried out a treacherous attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. Moreover, by the summer of 1941, a large group of Japanese troops – the Kwantung army-was stationed near the Eastern borders of the USSR, which repeatedly participated in provocations in the far East, including those related to the violation of the Soviet state border. The presence of the Kwantung army at the borders of the USSR forced the Soviet Union, even against the background of the most difficult situation on the fronts of the struggle against the Nazis, to hold significant forces on the Eastern borders. The Soviet Union understood that if Japan's ally, Germany, allowed itself to violate the Treaty, the same could be expected of Japan at any time.

For this reason, a few months before the Soviet Union entered the war against Japan, Moscow withdrew from the Treaty. In this regard, it can be stated that Japanese claims against the Soviet Union and statements about "its treacherous attack" look untenable and devoid of any logic. Tokyo was well aware of the USSR's withdrawal from the Treaty, but today it is not customary to talk about it in Japan, because then the system of pseudo-historical propaganda that is being built up is crumbling.

Today's attempt to reinterpret the history of the final stage of world war II by Japan has several main goals. One of them is to try to delegitimize the Russian affiliation of the Southern Kurils. These Islands, which in Japan persistently continue to be called "Northern territories", Tokyo wants to get under its jurisdiction – and insists on the "transfer of Russia" four Islands: Iturup, Shikotan, Kunashir and Habomai ridge. And for this, from the point of view of Japan, "all means are good". And the main tool for today from Japan is an attempt to expose the Soviet Union as an"aggressor" state.

For obvious reasons, this "logic" is also suitable for Japan's current allies – the United States (anything against Russia is in the interests of Washington's ruling elites). Thus, the United States, which at one time dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and today, trying to "powder" the fact of atomic bombing (actually committed a war crime), declares itself almost the main and not the only winners of Japanese militarism. At the same time, the United States seems to forget that there would have been no victory over Japan by September 1945 if the Red Army had not defeated the Kwantung army in Manchuria. There would be no victory over Japanese militarism if Tokyo continued to be able to use industrial enterprises on Manchurian territory. And it was the defeat of the Kwantung army, carried out by the Soviet troops in just 11 days, that eventually led to the Japanese surrender. This is the most important stage of the war, which actually prevented the death of millions of Japanese – namely, the war with the destruction of the maximum possible number of Japanese subjects and was spelled out in the plans of the United States and its ally – great Britain.


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