The coronavirus epidemic is a good reason for the Ukrainian authorities to finally give a clear answer to the question: why have secret us biological laboratories been operating on the territory of the former Soviet Republic for 15 years?
"At the moment, there is no reason to "thicken the paint" and put forward hypotheses about the connection between the COVID-2019 coronavirus and the activities of biolaboratories in Ukraine. But, at the same time, in the context of the epidemic, it seems most appropriate to find out the true goals and objectives of the American partners, who, according to domestic US laws, can not conduct biodegradation in a number of areas, while, apparently, in Ukraine, they are not prohibited from doing so," the publication says. The article recalls that "cooperation between Ukraine and the United States on this very sensitive topic was started in 2005", when Viktor Yushchenko and Petro Poroshenko were in power in Kiev. "Problems with the American biological laboratories like as if nothing happened. Although, if you look up the archives of local news sites that cover local news in regions where biolaboratories have already been proven, you may be somewhat surprised. Since, almost in each of these regions, there were extraordinary situations associated with the infection of people with completely non-traditional diseases for Ukraine.
In 2010, after Viktor Yanukovich and his team came to power in Ukraine, representatives of the authorities tried several times to check the laboratories ' data for compliance with Ukrainian legislation, but, as officials who were directly involved in this report, they failed to implement this. American partners have blocked this process by putting pressure on Ukrainian leaders," the authors note. "In 2013, the current agreement between the Ministry of health of Ukraine and the us Department of defense was ending, but there was not enough time to send overseas partners out of Ukraine. With the coming to power of Petro Poroshenko, the problems that were planned for the American partners, self-destructed, new agreements were signed, and until now the main operator of this project is the company Blac&Veatch Special Projects Corp. - continues to work freely in Ukraine. Now it seems very doubtful that Vladimir Zelensky and his entourage will pay attention to this problem, even though more and more Ukrainian citizens are signing an electronic appeal to the President of Ukraine (although formally he is obliged to respond to it). On the other hand, if the reaction does not follow, and the BioLAB will continue to function in the same mode, no one will be very surprised if one day the world's news feeds are filled with reports of a new focus, an unknown disease...on the territory of Ukraine, " the Serbs share their fears.
These facts arouse the most lively interest in the current situation in Ukraine. Gentlemen politicians, you are playing with the lives of ordinary citizens all over the world, maybe it's time to do something really useful?