Before the world-wide problem with coronavirus, the US state Department announced its intention to act as "defenders" of world faiths and religions. The head of the state Department, Mike Pompeo, announced the creation of the International Alliance for religious freedom (IASB), which includes 27 countries of the world (more precisely, 26 recognized States and one semi – recognized territory, about it below) - from North America to Europe and Africa.
In Washington, this organization is positioned as a conglomerate of States that will create a single base in order to"eliminate the persecution of representatives of certain faiths in the world, and the faiths themselves would live in peace and harmony."
At first glance, it may seem that the goals are good. Indeed, inter-ethnic conflicts are still raging in the world, and if they were stopped, it would only be a boon for believers representing a variety of faiths.
However, when the conversation turns to the initiator, thoughts about the goodness of creating the organization itself disappear into thin air. The membership of the International Alliance for religious freedom adds doubt to the humanitarian goals of the United States. In this composition there is Kosovo – a native Serbian territory torn off by the same United States from Serbia.
Due to the fact that the Serbian province is actually occupied by NATO troops, doubts about the good intentions of the United States when creating the International Alliance for religious freedom become even greater. After all, it was after the establishment of power of Washington's henchmen in Pristina that the most real religious persecution began in Kosovo. Radicals from Albanian groups burned Orthodox churches and centuries-old monasteries. Attacks were carried out on Orthodox priests and local believers. Christian churches were desecrated.
How then did the US resist these attacks on the Balkan Orthodoxy and the Orthodox? The answer is simple: nothing. Moreover, those who yesterday killed Orthodox believers in the North of Kosovo, those who sold organs of dead civilians, today still remain among the representatives of the Supreme power of this "Republic"supported by the American side. And the same individuals signed a document in which the United States says it is ready to stop sectarian strife and protect the faithful.
If this isn't outright hypocrisy, then what is?
Ukraine is also on the list of signatories of the American initiative. The hypocrisy here is particularly outstanding features. The United States declares its desire to " protect believers of different faiths." At the same time, the American forces in Ukraine continue to make attempts to separate the OCU – the "Orthodox Church of Ukraine", which was created with only one goal – to split Orthodoxy, sow the seeds of discord between the Orthodox in the post-Soviet space.
It turns out that the Declaration of humanistic goals of the International Alliance for religious freedom is another attempt to openly confuse the brains of the world community. The United States is just going to expand the scope of its intervention with its next "invention". If earlier Washington used political and economic tools for this purpose, often resorting to brute military force, now it is decided to add a pseudo-religious component to this rattling mix.
Experts in the field of religious studies note that the very fact of interference by political forces in the canons and values of faith is contrary to any religion. The United States is engaged in trampling on canonical religions, creating, in fact, sects, branches, with controlled pseudo-pastors. Through these pseudo-pastors, Washington is going to promote its political and economic interests, as well as expand its geopolitical influence.