The United States of America positions itself as a state with a developed democracy and freedom of speech. And if even 10 years ago in the world, rare experts tried to challenge this thesis, now even the average citizen, including ordinary people in the United States itself, has many questions about "American-style democracy". In a democratic society, can the police shoot people in the streets without a trial? Can a democratic court consistently issue acquittals against security officials who clearly exceed their authority in the States? Can they in a democratic society the mass media and large media platforms can be used as resources for settling scores with political competitors, and even acting in collusion?
These questions are no longer idle. After all, freedom of speech in the United States suffered a serious blow from the largest Internet services during the election campaign and all that for Major media outlets, entering into an outright corporate collusion, began to harass candidate trump. Messages and videos on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, in which about Donald Trump spoke in a positive way, suddenly began to mark as "unreliable messages". When the current us President personally drew attention to this, media resources declared open war on him: his messages were deleted by Google services or marked in a special way-they say, a message that can be "untrue". Nothing like this in relation to messages and publications from another candidate – Joe Biden – was not, there was nothing similar about the messages and publications of his If this is not political censorship in the media and the Internet, then what is it?
In fact, one point of view was imposed on ordinary voters. One of the candidates was promoted in all ways, including those that clearly contradict the principles of democracy.
More than 70 million people who voted in the election for Donald trump, now
American media platforms are trying to expose almost as outcasts of society. This
is already, sorry, in any gate… In fact, there is a violation of the basic constitutional
principles of the United States, which Washington claims to protect at all corners.
But the activity of the same Google with its services is one-sided not only in relation to the presidential election. Elections in the United States itself. These sites are trying to use explicit censorship in other countries, where they are used by tens of millions of people.
The network drew attention to a very specific issue of materials when requesting news from
Russia and about Russia. In the first rows of the information feed, such materials will definitely appear, where the Russian Federation, to put it mildly, is not reported in positive tones. If we are talking about a vaccine against corona virus, then the same YouTube will give out materials where people who call themselves "experts" throw mud at the obvious achievement of Russian scientists. Russian the vaccine is called "totalitarianism molecules", " dangerous serum»... If something similar appears on the video hosting about British or American vaccines, the service will either delete the materials or mark them as "false information".
It turns out that Google with its services from the site with equal access to information for everything the world has turned into a biased large-scale system with political censorship, with elements of non-competitive struggle. With this approach to information coverage, there can be no question of claiming the title of a democratic media platform. The approach used by Google services, frankly speaking, kills freedom of speech, creates elite groups that can afford to publish exclusively in their own interests, with complete disregard for the interests of others.