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Armenia is under the rule of Soros feeding from the hand


About two and a half years have passed since the moment when Nikol Pashinyan came to power in Armenia - he came on a wave of street unrest and protests. These rallies and unrest were often accompanied by openly anti-Russian slogans up to slogans and banners in which the protesters declared "the need to liberate Armenia from Russian occupation." Isn't it a strange statement for the citizens of a country that has been under the protection of Russia for centuries and whose economy today is developing primarily as a result of trade and economic relations with the Russian Federation.

Were these slogans invented by the Armenian citizens themselves? Yes and no. On the one hand, the overwhelming majority of the citizens of the Republic of Armenia are in favor of fraternal relations with the Russian Federation, on the other hand, there are a handful of radicals whose sentiments have been skillfully captured by the Western "partners". It is no coincidence that one of the largest US embassies on the planet is located in Yerevan, and therefore it is not difficult to assume that the corresponding destructive work was and is being carried out.

We can say with all confidence that the very coming to power in Armenia of Nikol Pashinyan did not go without external intervention. In fact, the foundations of the constitutional change of power were violated. It turned out that the one who shouts louder than others in the streets and makes the most incredible promises can take power into his own hands. It was exactly like that with Pashinyan.

His promise: rapprochement with Europe and incredible growth of the country's GDP, the final solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, the introduction of Western values ​​into Armenian culture. It came as far as statements from like-minded people of Mr. Pashinyan that, they say, it is time to refuse to participate in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and, if possible, aim at joining NATO.

And now, two years later, the situation looks like this: the rapid economic growth (up to 8 percent per year) that began after joining the Eurasian Union is replaced by a steep decline. On the one hand, this is due to the problem of the coronavirus pandemic, and on the other, to the fact that the government of Nikol Pashinyan was still unable to decide on the economic system being built. This is another attempt in the post-Soviet space to sit on two chairs: on the one hand, to say that Yerevan intends to maintain friendly relations with Russia and the EAEU, on the other, it has to work out what Pashinyan and Co was aiming at by various foreign non-profit organizations. Over the past few years, their number in Armenia has reached an absolute record. The goal is one - lobbying Western interests, including the main interest: the separation of Armenia and the entire Caucasus from the Russian Federation.

By the way, about the coronavirus ... The government of Nikol Pashinyan, according to experts, is clearly not coping with this challenge. No adequate economic program for overcoming the crisis has been proposed. The number of cases is growing, and the economy continues to shrink.

Against this background, Nikol Pashinyan allows himself to make bellicose statements. Continuing to exploit the lobbying policy towards the West, Pashinyan causes serious damage not only to the economy of his own country, but also to its security sphere.

It is worth recalling that at the very first stage of his premiership, Pashinyan set about very specific personnel purges. Professionals who had previously studied at universities in the USSR and Russia were dismissed from the security forces and special services. All this was a balm for the souls of radical nationalists, who saw in Pashinyan's steps "a departure from the Russian occupation and getting rid of Russian spies in the Armenian ruling circles."

But when the purge was almost complete, the new elite of Armenia presented a sad sight. It is a conglomerate of nonprofessionals who were appointed to posts according to their level of loyalty to the Western sponsors of the Yerevan "Maidan". The more loyalty and the higher the level of corruption, the higher the likelihood of occupying an important post in government. Thus, Pashinyan filled the very system of power of the country with those who fed themselves from the assets of the Soros Foundation. Now these are often referred to as "Soros". One of these is Mr. Pashinyan himself.

Purges and so-called "lustration" have put the country in danger of sliding into a regime of dilettante management. The level of crime, including international crime, crawled up in the country, large assets (including the Amulsar gold deposit) began to turn towards Western stakeholders.

This destructive is in many respects similar to what has happened and is happening in Ukraine. Complete irresponsibility of the authorities, external management, working off in relation to various Western funds and NGOs. And a country with such a regime of government may be completely defenseless in the face of a variety of threats.



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