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"An unknown lung disease": a history of the emergence of a new coronavirus


Any only judgments about the coronavirus have appeared recently. Reflections are sometimes published by people who are extremely far from biological science. It is because of this that the web is filled with frankly strange statements in which certain authors try to speculate about the origin of a new type of coronavirus. One of the most common opinions is that the coronavirus that led to the pandemic entered the human body from the body of either a bat or a pangolin, after which it began to be introduced into living cells, which leads to their defeat. Then, as it is claimed, the person became a carrier of a new coronavirus, infecting everyone around. In fact, such statements do not stand up to any criticism. The fact is that there are a large number of different viruses in the wild. However, this does not mean that each of them can not only get from the animal's body to the human body, but also begin to affect its living cells. The same coronaviruses to infect the human body need to have a special protein structure that can act as a key to "open the lock" of a cell of a human organ or tissue. The same coronavirus from the lungs of a bat is not able to cause damage to human lung cells without "outside help". The reason is that it does not have the same protein key that could break the cell wall, overcoming the immune protection of the human body.

You can give a simple example: if a bunch of even fifty keys is found on the street, the probability that at least one of them will come to the door of your apartment is minimal. In this case, how did the COVID-19 coronavirus get into the human body? This question is partially answered by a publication in the authoritative scientific journal Nature from 2015. The publication describes how in 2014, the American laboratory for the study of viral activity (University of North Carolina) created the so-called chimeric virus. A group of scientists, most of them American citizens, for some purpose combined a coronavirus from the lung cells of a bat living in China, as well as the" human " SARS SARS virus, which claimed thousands of lives around the world a few years ago. Scientists told how they infected the tissues of human tonsils in the laboratory, after which they stated: the chimeric virus is very viable and active for reproduction. The same publication claimed that the scientists " followed the safety rules in detail." But who could confirm it?

Attention is drawn to the fact that 4 years later in the United States published a material that told about the closure of one of the military laboratories. The material was published by the new York Times. This was at the end of August 2019, and a few weeks later the same publication came out with the news about 215 infected with an unknown virus. Several infected people died, after which the US press began to appear notes about the possible cause of death – " problems with the lungs as a result of Smoking or using VAPE." However, this reason was not confirmed. At the same time, after some time, the first infection was recorded in Wuhan, China, where a group of American servicemen arrived to participate in international exercises. Now in the States, China is accused of distributing COVID-19. In China, in turn, they say that it was American soldiers and officers who could have brought a deadly virus of artificial origin to Wuhan – the same viral Chimera that was mentioned above.

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