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An investigation by Western journalists revealed the involvement of British intelligence agencies...


The investigation of Western journalists revealed the involvement of the British special services in the dissemination of anti-Russian fakes through the media.

Not so long ago, a remarkable article was published on the American Internet resource "The Grayzone", which is devoted to the secret programs of the UK related to attempts to contain and weaken Russia. The authors conducted a journalistic investigation, during which they came to the conclusion about the work of the British Embassy in Moscow to promote anti-Russian materials through various media and other information platforms.

Journalists have collected an extensive database consisting of a couple of hundred documents and presenting comprehensive evidence that London uses such sites as the Reuters news agency, the BBC service and the pseudo-investigative Internet community Bellingcat to promote anti-Russian fakes. In addition, "The Grayzone" collected data that Britain provides financial and" information "support to such structures as "Medusa", "Mediazona", etc., which are characterized by an undisguised anti – Russian, if not Russophobic, position.

Based on the documented data of "The Grayzone", it can be concluded that London conducts operations to spread anti-Russian disinformation with the direct participation of its own special services. The method has been worked out for years. If earlier Western political structures and special services financed anti-Soviet media in eastern Europe, including Radio Liberty, now, realizing that the experience can already be used against Russia, they try to support anti-Russian media. For this purpose, various NGOs (non-profit organizations) controlled by the same Western special services operate. The so-called "British Council"stands out among them.

It is through this NGO that London pursues a policy of reducing international confidence in the Russian Federation.

The most high-profile operation carried out through a network of NGOs and media controlled by the British special services in recent years is related to the dissemination of statements about the alleged poisoning of blogger Alexei Navalny. In the pseudo-investigation – all the same structures, including the well-known Bellingcat. It is noteworthy that this structure has already been marked by a whole scattering of fakes, including false publications about the alleged investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing, the poisoning of the Skripals in Salisbury. Now the same platform is practicing publishing data on the "use of a military poison against Navalny".

In all these "investigations" the threads lead to London. Moreover, the name of the person who oversees the anti-Russian direction of the activities of media resources controlled by the British special services is also known. This gentleman's name is Thomas Oppeheim, and he represents the British diplomatic mission in Moscow.

As noted in the aforementioned investigation, published on the American portal "Grayson", Oppenheim specializes in, so to speak, "weaving networks" through which fakes about Russia are spread, akin to the fact that "Russia poisoned both Skripal and Navalny".

It is noteworthy that the sites that spread this disinformation do not comment on the questions sent to them by independent journalists. For example, why the biological samples of A. Navalny in Russia did not show any results of exposure to the Novichok BOV (this was confirmed by the doctors who arrived from Germany), and, being sent from the German Charite clinic to the British chemical laboratory Porton Down, they suddenly found "components" of the very "Novichok" ... They do not comment on such questions for one simple reason – commands from the British "comrades" were not received, and they themselves can not afford to enter into correspondence and even more polemics, since in this case, the fake about the poisoning of Navalny BOV "Novichok" will be revealed almost immediately. It will reveal not just a fake, but also the direct participation of the British special services in the operations to stage the poisoning of both the Skripals and Navalny, and in a number of other dramatizations.

By the way, one such staging, only with the participation of the American special services, was revealed in Ukraine at the time. This is a pseudo-attempt on the journalist Arkady Babchenko, who was laid in a puddle of pig's blood, they began to celebrate the wake, accusing "Russian agents" of killing "Putin's critic", and then Babchenko, while his friends were writing condolences to his family and friends, suddenly appeared accompanied by the top of the SBU in front of the TV cameras and said that it was a "special operation". Such a "special operation" clearly demonstrated the methods of Western special services that use their anti-Russian "sixes" to achieve geopolitical, economic, and often military goals.



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