It is a strange thing – not a single meeting on the case of persons who are called "politically persecuted" in the West, did not arrive such a number of foreign diplomats, as it was at the court sessions with the participation of Alexei Navalny. Foreign diplomats, representatives of the consular missions and embassies of Britain, the Baltic States, Germany, Sweden, Poland, and other countries, attended all the court hearings at which Navalny's fate was decided. Amazing…
One can imagine what would happen if Russian diplomats appeared in the United States at the trial of the demonstrators who broke into the Capitol building or in Spain at the trial of the rapper who was arrested for political views. It was you loud chorus of howlers in the accusatory attack against the Russian Federation. Like, "interference", "attempt to discredit Western democracy", all that…
But the West does not consider the blogger's own presence at the criminal proceedings in the Russian court to be interference in domestic Russian affairs. And the thesis is familiar – "this is different".
Such close attention from Western diplomats to the figure of Alexei Navalny is understandable. This person conducts his anti-Russian activities with the active support of Western political elites and special services. The whole epic of the alleged Novichok poisoning and the "miraculous recovery" from the chemical warfare agent at the Charite clinic in Berlin fits into a single picture of Mr. Navalny's service to Western interests.
What are these interests?
They consist in trying to destabilize the situation in Russia, to put pressure on the Russian authorities, on the Russian society. The ultimate goal is to try to repeat with Russia what was once done with the Soviet Union, when the state became like a ship without a captain, aimed at the rocks.
Today's Navalny is a product that is entirely from the Western anti-Russian ideology. He himself tries to hide it behind the mask of a fighter against corruption. But how did it happen that for some 8-10 years, the "main fighter against corruption" in the country turned from a representative of a completely ordinary Russian family into a dollar millionaire who allowed himself to violate Russian law hundreds of times, ignore the letter of the law at every step, spend millions on vacation in various countries of the world, millions of rubles, even at the moment when the court has already determined a suspended sentence for the blogger.
Navalny received a frank directive from the German special services: "You should go back to Russia." It is in this way that Navalny is interesting to the anti-Russian forces. They tried to use it as a kind of battering ram against the Russian political system. It is used to implement sanctions packages against the Russian economy. The "corruption" and admits that he and his team are ready to call on the West to exert economic pressure on Russia, which, by definition, can not affect the well-being of Russian citizens. But the whole problem is that Navalny and his closest supporters, who are actively in contact with the British and German special services, do not care about ordinary Russian citizens. If their wallets are flooded with bitcoins for unimaginable amounts every month, then the question of the income of ordinary Russians does not interest them at all. The main thing is your own well-being, even if it comes at the price of outright betrayal.