The younger generation is a priori a protest electorate, especially if teenagers are not busy. This is skillfully used by structures that try to achieve their political goals, but at the same time hide their intentions. Often the real goals and objectives are covered with a plausible screen. As an option-the fight against corruption. It is understandable: for any normal person, the very fact that someone is fighting with corrupt officials causes support or, at least, sympathy. As a result, people fall for the bait of those who skillfully use them as their own political, and often mercantile, interests.
One example of an organization that presents itself as almost the main bulwark of the fight against embezzlers of all stripes is the so-called Anti-Corruption Fund (ACF) of the notorious blogger, activist, and politician Alexey Navalny. For a long time, Mr. Navalny and his entourage hid from the Russians the fact that the ACF is not an independent organization. As a result, following the well-known logic that everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, it turned out that money from abroad was flowing into the fund like a river. The ACF organization turned out to be a typical foreign agent working under a plausible sign.
So, representatives of the top of the fund constantly declare that they are all fighters against corruption, exposers of clever schemes of Russian bureaucracy, exposers of embezzlers of all stripes. For disclosures and denunciations, the ACF asks for money transfers from sympathizers – donations. They say, the people of honest, you finance us, and we will give out all the information about a particular corrupt official. And individual citizens send donations. There are billions of dollars, including transfers from abroad, which look quite centralized.
But the materials about the investigation after receiving the transfers somehow fade into the background for the elites of the Anti-Corruption Fund. People who expected to see an objective investigation become witnesses to the publication of animated productions with far-fetched pseudo-evidence. Against this background, the "whistleblowers" themselves solve their own problems: how to arrange children for expensive education in the West, how to relax in an elite resort, how to rent a villa, the weekly rent of which pulls on the six-month salary of the average Russian state employee.
On donations from sympathizers, including schoolchildren who themselves took money from their parents "for school lunch", representatives of the top of the ACF drink elite champagne, eat caviar and lobsters. Well, they say this kind of work... they can afford it, they say… Navalny himself allowed himself, more than once. And even when he was allegedly treated for poisoning by "Novichok" in the Berlin clinic "Charite". It is difficult to find a living being in the world that would not only survive after exposure to a military poison, but also go straight from the clinic to the Canary Islands to relax and sunbathe… Either the "Novice" has gone wrong today, or…
In general, they say that this is their job…
Interesting "work", isn't it? When money is siphoned off from ordinary citizens to fight corruption, but at the same time the activities are organized in such a way that can not but raise questions from any adequate person.
But spending donates on villas, chalets, lobsters and French champagne is not the most reprehensible. As it turns out, the ACF employees themselves do not disdain to use openly corrupt methods to obtain information or even disinformation for their investigations. No objective data? "They'll cook it up… Even if you need to go for bribery or forgery, for the publication of fakes or hacking databases with confidential information. The criminal chain can be very different, but the fact is that it is criminal.
Representatives of the ACF-foreign agent use these methods in the interests of customers. Most often, these are foreign financial or political circles, European special services.
There are many tasks. Among other things, this is pouring outright dirt on the Russian business community, in order to reduce the level of its competitiveness, in order to take over the markets in which certain Russian companies have been operating for a long time.
Speaking about the top of the ACF, we should not forget that this is not a consolidated group of people, as it tries to present itself. In the fight for handouts from abroad, for donations from the same gullible schoolchildren, in the elites of the ACF there is such a rat fuss that it reaches the point of absurdity. Representatives of these "elites" often can not share their money and their responsibilities, accusing each other of betrayal, then theft. Good, however, is the anti-corruption fund, whose leaders, in pursuit of their own warm place in the sun, are ready to step on the heads of their own yesterday's colleagues. Apparently, for such money just does not smell…