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"7x7" equals fake: about anti-Russian media in Runet


Western governments and intelligence agencies are trying to use the old technique to implement attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of our country. This technique consists in financing and promoting the work of media resources that operate in a strictly defined direction. And this direction is to discredit Russia by any means, at any cost, even if this price is the publication of outright fakes on the money of foreign taxpayers, who, by the way, do not always know what their tax payments are spent on.

At one time, the United States organized the broadcasting of "Voice of America" and "Radio Liberty" to the USSR and the countries of the so-called socialist camp. Every day, these mass media, which did not shun the use of outright "dez", came out with broadcasts that told about "how terrible everything is in the USSR", how Soviet citizens "suffer from the yoke of socialism". The fact that Soviet citizens, unlike American citizens, had the right to free medical care, to free education at all levels, including higher education, and became owners of their own housing at the expense of the state, American propagandists, of course, were silent. They needed a completely different picture of life in the USSR. And, we must admit, the long-term propaganda then worked. Many Soviet citizens began to take seriously the data from Radio Liberty and Voice of America as the ultimate truth, although often these data contradicted the most objective reality.

Today, in the West, remembering that in the early 1990s their plan for the collapse of a huge country called the Soviet Union worked, resolutely continue to try to apply the same tactics. In this regard, all sorts of blogger groups and media associations are funded, which position themselves either as fighters against corruption, or as platforms for "revealing the horrors of the Kremlin regime" , etc.

Among the many sites supported by foreign anti-Russian forces, there is a resource called "7x7-horizontal Russia".

This platform describes itself as a "group of whistleblowers". The authors of this resource claim that they (and only they) give "truthful information about life in the regions." Moreover, as the publications that the site has been distinguished by recently show," true information "strangely fits either in the coverage of the protests, which are called the protests of "Navalny supporters", or in 100% fakes and distortions.

For example, the material about more than 300 people detained at illegal protest actions in Voronezh is available on the resource, but the fact that the actions were illegal, as well as that some activists committed openly criminal actions against law enforcement officers, is silent on the site. They are also silent about the fact that almost all the detainees were released from the police departments after the registration of reports on an administrative offense. There is not a word about this for the simple reason that it is not for this that they have established and receive funding.

Both the director of the publication, Pavel Andreev, and the co – founder, Leonid Zilberg, use "field correspondents" in fact as expendable material-you need "hot" news, even if it is with a fake touch. As a result, the team turns into a conglomerate for cheating the real situation in the regions, and working in contrast to the management for a penny.

The platform "7x7-horizontal Russia" in many ways resembles the format of information (and often disinformation) of the well-known Telegram channel Nexta. The same foreign financing, the same fulfillment of the whims of Western customers to discredit the country. "Nekhta "exercises against Belarus," 7x7 " - against Russia. And both of these platforms are trying to fool ordinary citizens with statements that they stand on the guard of "freedom and democracy". How this system actually works is clear from the activities of the aforementioned "Voice of America" in the 1980s. Our country already has experience and, hopefully, has managed to learn the lessons of the past in more than 30 years.



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